How to Fix YouTube Can’t Play Videos in 2022

How to Fix YouTube Can't Play Videos in 2022

How to Fix YouTube Can’t Play Videos 2022 – Surely you often download videos from YouTube, right? Come on, admit it. Oh yeah, have you ever found a YouTube video that can’t be played? Surely you have.

Eittsss, don’t worry, guys, it turns out that there is a way to fix YouTube that can’t play videos. Are you curious how? Alright, just take a look, guys.

Causes of Videos on YouTube Can’t Play

Before discussing how to fix YouTube not playing videos, it would be better if you first knew the cause. So, watch carefully, guys.

1. Flash Player Plugin Not Installed

Flash Player Plugin Not Installed

The first cause is that the flash player plugin is not installed. Usually, this happens when you visit YouTube via a browser application.

Well, the browser itself in order to play videos requires a flash player plugin. Usually, this plugin is directly available on your cellphone. If there is none, it means that your specifications are still low.

2. The Browser Used Has Not Been Updated

The Browser Used Hasn’t Been Updated

The reason why YouTube can’t play the second video is because the browser you are using has not been updated. 

Just like the previous point, this usually happens if you access YouTube through a browser.

Well, Android browsers that haven’t been updated will usually find it difficult to play the latest videos from YouTube. Because, the features have not been upgraded or there are no browser improvements.

3. Slow Internet Connection

Slow Internet Connection

The third cause of not being able to play YouTube videos is due to a slow internet connection. Usually this often happens because of an unstable signal.

Well, if it’s like this, it’s better for you to just use a way to strengthen the signal, guys. One of them is by using a signal booster application.

4. YouTube Video Has Been Blocked

YouTube Video Has Been Blocked

The reason why YouTube can’t play the fourth video is that the YouTube video has been blocked. Usually blocked videos contain negative content.

So, you can’t play the video. In addition, there is a possibility that you have tried how to block YouTube videos. So, the video that you want to play is lost.

5. Unfinished Video Uploaded

Uploading Unfinished Video

The fifth reason is because the uploaded video has not been completed. What this means is that when a YouTuber uploads a video it doesn’t finish, it’s saved right away.

Well, this is what causes YouTube videos to not play or even just black.

Now, you already know why YouTube videos can’t be played. Well, now you just have to see how to overcome the following YouTube videos not being able to play.

How to Fix YouTube Can’t Play Videos

Well, you already know the reason why videos can’t be played on YouTube. Now, let’s discuss how to overcome the following unable to play videos on YouTube.

1. Update Browser Android

The first way is to update your Android cellphone browser. Well, here’s how to update the Android browser:

  • First , open the ‘ Play Store> Then search and tap the browser ‘ Google Chrome ‘.

Browser Google Chrome

  • Second , after that tap the ‘ Update ‘ button and wait for the update process to finish.

Update Browser Google Chrome

2. Update the YouTube Application

The second way is to update the YouTube application on your cellphone. How to update it is not much different from the points above.

Here’s how to update the YouTube app on Android:

  • First , open the ‘ Play Store> Then search and tap the ‘ YouTube ‘ app .

YouTube application

  • Second , after that tap the ‘ Update ‘ button and wait for the update process to finish.

YouTube App Updates

3. Restart Mobile

If the two methods above don’t work, you can try restarting or rebooting your cellphone first. This is so that your cellphone refreshes all software and hardware.

4. Disable and Enable Internet Network

The fourth way is to disable the internet network. Then you reactivate the internet network.

This is so that your cellphone refreshes the internet network. Thus, it is stronger to capture the existing signal.

5. Disable and Enable WiFi Network

The fifth way is to disable the WiFI network. Then you re-enable the WiFi network.

Just like the 4th point, this aims to make your cellphone refresh the WiFi network. Thus, it is faster to strengthen the connected WiFi signal.

6. Clear YouTube App Data

The sixth way to overcome being unable to play YouTube videos is to delete data on the YouTube application.

This method is almost the same when the YouTube application exits by itself or an error. However, if you delete data, all data including search history on YouTube is lost.

Well, here’s how to clear YouTube app data:

  • First , go to ‘ Settings ‘ and tapInstalled Apps ‘.

Select Installed Applications

  • Second , after that tap the ‘ YouTube ‘ app and tapClear Data ‘.

Choose YouTube

  • Third , then tapErase All Data ‘ and a confirmation box will appear, you tapOK ‘.

Select Erase All Data

7. Remove All Running Applications

The seventh way is to remove all running applications. This can also be overcome, guys. Because usually YouTube will feel heavy so it can’t play videos.

How to remove the application is also quite easy, you just need to tap ‘ Menu ‘ on the cellphone > Then tap ‘ Clean ‘ and wait for the process of removing the application to finish.

8. Delete Cache Google Play Service

The eighth way is to clear the cache on Google Play services.

This method is done if you can’t update the browser and also the YouTube application through the Play Store. Well, here’s how to clear the Google Play Services cache:

  • First , go to ‘ Settings ‘ and tapInstalled Apps ‘.

Select Installed Applications

  • Second , after that tapGoogle Play Services ‘ and tapClear Data ‘.

Select Google Play Services

  • Third , then tapClear Cache ‘ and a confirmation box will appear, you tapOK ‘.

Select Clear Cache

So, how are you smart? Easy is not a way to fix YouTube can’t play videos. 

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