How to Make Jetpack Plugin Light in Your WordPress 2022

How to Make Jetpack Plugin Light in Your WordPress 2022

How to Make Jetpack Plugin Light in Your WordPress – Despite its versatility, the widely used Jetpack plugin has a negative side, which is that it burdens the performance of your WordPress site.

The reason is simple: too many modules are installed.

As of this writing, there are 45 modules in Jetpack (and there could be more – see list ).

I’m fetching sure you don’t use all of them. Some modules are only present as additional features that are not really significant.

Instead of letting these modules burden hosting resources , it’s better to disable them so that your WordPress site is lighter.

Check out the secret trick below! ( Spoiler: not in the Settings menu )

How to Make Jetpack Plugin Light in Your WordPress

How to make the Jetpack plugin lightweight

  1. Log in to your WordPress (, then click Jetpack Dashboard .
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click the Debug menu .
  1. Next, click Access the full list of Jetpack modules available on your site.
  1. In the right sidebar of the View column, select Active .

This command will list all the active modules in Jetpack.

  1. Check which modules you want to disable. In Bulk Actions select Deactivate , then click Apply . You can also turn off modules one by one.

TIP: If you’re confused about a module’s function, click on its name to see full information on the Jetpack page.

The site itself uses the Jetpack plugin with customized modules to provide the best WordPress performance.

Fewer modules means less requests and resources, which indirectly lightens the load when the site loads, resulting in faster pages.

Which modules should be left active?

There are no special rules. It all depends on the needs of the site.

As for techjustify itself, I rely on the five most outspoken Jetpack modules in their field. Among others…

Contact Form – A simple solution for presenting a contact form instead of having to install another contact plugin.

Extra Sidebar Widgets – I admit that some of the widgets from Jetpack are very useful, such as Authors, Contact Info, and Top Posts.

Image CDN – Suitable for international sites that want their images to load faster because image files are stored on Jetpack servers.

Lazy Images – Its function is to speed up the site by only displaying images when visitors start scrolling to the image.

Site Stats – Daily visitor statistics that are very easy to understand and full of features.

Again, that’s just an example of my favorite module. There is no requirement regarding which modules to turn off or use.

Update: I no longer use the Jetpack plugin on all of my WordPress sites. Meanwhile, for speed features such as Lazy Images and Image CDN, I replaced them with premium services from WP Hummingbird Pro and WP Smush Pro.

Why is my WordPress site still slow?

There are so many factors that affect the speed of WordPress. For example server capabilities, website content content, to writing code.

Disabling some Jetpack modules is just one of the many tasks that must be performed to speed up website loading.

One of the ones I recommend the most is to compress images in WordPress where in a case study I managed to reduce image size by up to 74%.

Also, it’s best to leave shared hosting and start switching to cloud hosting. I use Cloudways, a much higher performing semi-managed cloud hosting service. Register Cloudways here for the best prices.

Are there alternative Jetpack plugins?

Unfortunately, I didn’t find a plugin that came close to Jetpack. Not its features or popularity.

The massive number of modules makes it difficult for anyone to replicate similar plugins with better performance.

So, if you can’t escape Jetpack’s features but also don’t want to be burdened by it, turning off the module and using a high-end server is the best solution.

That’s how to lighten the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site.

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