10 Best Plugins For Eclipse IDE in 2024 (100% Free)

Best Plugins For Eclipse

Best Plugins For Eclipse – Hello everyone, when talking about Eclipse, we probably think of Java the most, because this IDE has quite strong support for Java.

But in fact, Eclipse supports many different programming languages, not just Java. In addition, this tool also supports users to install a variety of plugins (utilities), with many different purposes.

Yes, and in this article, I will review with you the Top 10 plugins most used by programmers when working with Eclipse. Ok, let’s get started!

Best Plugins For Eclipse

Spring Tools

If you code in Java, you’ve probably heard about Spring Framework, right? The current Spring Framework ecosystem includes many different components.

Eclipse itself is a very powerful Java support tool, but when it comes to Spring Framework support, it is not really complete.

That’s why people have developed a tool based on Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite, with the purpose of optimizing programming with Spring Framework.

But using a separate IDE just to program with Spring is sometimes not necessary, so Eclipse has supported integrating the Spring Tools plugin directly into Eclipse so that programmers can work easily and efficiently. more tidied.

NOTE: If you do not know how to install Plugin on Eclipse, you can always refer to this article:

Darkest Dark theme

If you compare Eclipse’s interface with some other tools such as IntelliJ or Visual Studio Code , the ability to customize Eclipse’s interface is relatively poor.

Therefore, if you want to have a dark-colored interface (or background) to avoid eye strain when coding, Darkest Dark Theme is the number one choice for you.


Using Eclipse to code HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sometimes causes frustration for programmers, because the source code is often long and has no code hints.

Many people choose to use Visual Studio Code instead of Eclipse to code HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But doing so is quite laborious because you have to use 2 tools for one project.

To fix that, you can install the Emmet plugin, a utility that helps suggest HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code just like when you use VS Code.


Writing code and encountering bugs is very normal for programmers. But how to minimize the number of bugs and improve the quality of source code is not easy.

Yes, with the SonarLint utility, you can check and identify common errors when coding in many different languages ​​such as Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python… to thereby improve the quality of the source code.

JBoss Tools

JBoss has many functions, but when integrated into Eclipse, you can see that the most prominent function is the use to create Entity Classes from tables in the Database.

This is really a very good function, specifically the Hibernate Tool, which helps programmers save a lot of effort in creating entity classes in code.


When it comes to building desktop applications with Java, we have to mention Netbean , with the once famous Java Swing toolkit.

But with Eclipse, you don’t have a set of tools available to help you drag and drop the interface like Netbean. And the only way if you want to program Desktop applications on Eclipse is to install extensions.

We have WindowBuilder as one of the most suitable plugins for this purpose. You can refer to it and use it to see if it’s OK.


As far as I know, nowadays, many companies (especially companies that are about 7-10 years old) in terms of technology still manage their source code using SVN.

Of course, if you compare SVN with Git, Git really has a lot of advantages, but sometimes using SVN for internal projects is more suitable.

Subclipse is a utility used to merge, update, commit… code integrated into Eclipse to help programmers perform these operations right on Eclipse.


Python is a widely used programming language in recent years. Installing Python is not too complicated and Python development tools are relatively easy to use.

But what if Java programmers want to switch to learning Python? Are they willing to sit through a bunch of tools?

Yes, to solve this problem we can install the PyDev plugin and program Python right on Eclipse.


In fact, there are many projects that take a long time to develop, leading to the source code size becoming very heavy and complicated.

If we import (export data) or open directly with Eclipse, it will take a long time to start the project. Sometimes I have to sit for more than 10 minutes and still not get up!

The Rebel plugin was born to solve that problem. Rebel works by reloading the code instantly every time you modify it without having to run the server again.


EclEmma is a utility used to check Unit Testcase code coverage. This means that EclEmma will highlight any code that the test case does not meet.

In addition, EclEmma can also calculate the test case coverage percentage on each file, package or entire project. Through that, we can evaluate the quality of Unit Testcase.


So I’ve reviewed with you guys the 10 most commonly used plugins on Eclipse .

Of course, the more plugins you install, the heavier Eclipse will be, so please consider and only install plugins that suit your needs.

I also have a number of articles instructing you to install these plugins on the blog. You can refer here: