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12 Best Pregnancy Apps for Android

Best Pregnancy Application for Android – Pregnancy is the most precious moment for every woman, so she wants to always know the development of the baby in her womb. With the rapid development of technology, nowadays we are much facilitated by various sophisticated applications that are presented on the Google Play Store or in the App Store. One of them is a pregnancy application which is very useful for knowing the development of the baby in the womb.

With the application of pregnancy will really help pregnant women to get the information needed, including the development of the fetus. Here are some of the applications we recommend for reviewing fetal development in pregnant women.

Best Pregnancy App for Pregnant Women

Aqualert: Water Intake Tracker &Reminder Google Fit

Aqualert is a water drinking reminder application that helps us to always have a good water balance in the body.

As we know, water is an important component during pregnancy. Lack of fluids during pregnancy can cause a lack of amniotic fluid volume, causing pregnancy to be risky.

To avoid this, you can download the Aqualert: Water Intake Tracker & Reminder Google Fit application as a reminder to always drink water diligently. Because this application will routinely remind you to consume drinking water so that water intake in the body and fetus is fulfilled.

This application can also be used by the public, not only pregnant women. The Aqualert application is available for free on the playstore and appstore.


Next is the Pregnancy+ application. The Pregnancy+ application can be downloaded for free on Android and iOS.

The Pregnancy+ application can be used to calculate fetal kicks in the uterus. In addition, the Pregnancy+ application is also used to find out the condition of the fetus, fetal movements, fetal size, development of the mother’s weight, and ideas for baby names.

Pregnant book

This pregnant book application can help you to know the development and health of the fetus every week. Pregnant women’s books contain pregnancy tips such as articles about special foods for pregnant women, and complaints during pregnancy to preparation for childbirth according to Islam.

The Pregnant Book application is also equipped with a classical music playlist feature that can help train the brain intelligence of the prospective baby, while for a Muslim, recitation of the holy verses of the Koran is also provided by activating the Islamic Mode feature.

Contraction Timer & Counter 9m

Contraction Timer is an application produced by James Ots that helps you to know how often and how long contractions last before delivery. This application will also display the time and distance of each contraction that occurs.

This application is very useful, so you must try it, and you can get it for free on the Playstore and Appstore.

Count the Kicks

The Count the Kicks application is very important to help find out the movement of the fetus in the womb of pregnant women. By knowing how many times the average baby kicks in the stomach in a day, you can check if the kicks are not as frequent as usual.

Thus, it will help minimize the bad possibilities that can occur and you can immediately check with your obstetrician.

You can download the Count the Kicks application for free on the Google Play Store.

Glow Nurture Pregnancy Tracker

With the Glow Nurture application, you can find out about the development of the fetus during the first trimester specifically every day with 30 different pregnancy tracker items.

In this application there is also a reminder feature which is useful for reminding you of the doctor’s examination schedule to a reminder when taking medication during pregnancy.

Apart from that, you can also find various knowledge about the candidate and pregnancy tips through the ‘Health Awareness Log’ feature. This application also provides more than 1500 articles about pregnancy that are useful to add to your insight.

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker

Through the Ovia Pregnancy Tracker application, pregnant women can maintain their health by adjusting their diet based on the age of the fetus.

This application can also help users to live a healthy life. Such as giving advice on a diet based on the age of the mother, the age of the fetus, and the mother’s weight.

Apart from that, the Ovia Pregnancy Tracker application also allows users to check their fitness level.

Pregnancy Exercise and Workout at Home

This Pregnancy Exercise and Workout at Home App is perfect for those of you who want to stay fit during pregnancy. This application provides an interactive service that contains a complete guide to pilates exercises that are good for the health of pregnant women.

With this application you can still do workouts and don’t have to pay a fortune to practice in the studio anymore.

The Pregnancy Exercise and Workout at Home Apps is available for free on the playstore and appstore.

Read Also: Best Pregnant Mom Games For Android

Peanut App: Find Mom Friends

The Pregnant Friends application is perfect for pregnant women because this application has quite complete features. Like features:

  • Checklist : in the form of a list of what must be done or done during pregnancy
  • Agenda : The system will send reminders for pregnant women
  • Janin 360 : tells pregnant women how the fetus is developing in her womb
  • Mum & Fetal Record: records data on the weight and length of the fetus, as well as its heart rate, so that we can see a graph of fetal development.

In addition, with this application you can also monitor our own health every month by entering blood pressure and weight gain during pregnancy.

The Bump

The Bump application also allows you to find out about the progress of your pregnancy through your smartphone. With this application you can also know the development of the fetus through the existing interactive 3D features.

The Bump application is also equipped with pregnancy articles such as tips for dealing with morning sickness to preparing for childbirth. Interestingly, this application has a Q&A feature that can be used to ask questions about pregnancy, and will be answered directly by The Bump team and obstetricians who work closely with the developer.

What to Expect

What to Expect is the next best pregnancy app. This application can be used to find out the development of the fetus and changes in the body of the fetus every day or from week to week. In addition, this application is also equipped with various daily tips about pregnancy.

This application has a feature that is used to join hundreds of thousands of other users who are parents to discuss pregnancy.

That’s the information provided about the Best Pregnancy Applications for Pregnant Women on Android . Hopefully the information provided is useful and can increase your knowledge about the world of information and technology.

Lokesh Sharma

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