How to Start a Career in Artificial Intelligence in 2023

How to Start a Career in Artificial Intelligence

How to Start a Career in Artificial Intelligence – Artificial intelligence is the future, yes, but it is also the present. Many people are already working in AI, studying to specialize and opting for thousands of highly qualified jobs. Still, according to labor statistics, the demand is higher. And you, do you want to work in artificial intelligence? Find out how to train, what skills you should develop and how to become a true AI professional.

It is no longer the future, it is the present. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly present in our lives and is consolidating as one of the sectors with the highest demand for employment. If we already told you what to study to work in big data, now we have to tell you the following: what to study to work in artificial intelligence? If you are interested in this world but do not know very well where to start, do not panic. At Edix we will inform you of the best options to train you in the field of AI.

How to Start a Career in Artificial Intelligence

Although you can start from scratch to study artificial intelligence, the truth is that there are certain courses that predispose you more to what you are going to learn. People with degrees, both university and Vocational Training, in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) have an advantage. Those who have studied physics, computer science, telecommunications or have graduated in Industrial Engineering or Mathematics already have a series of basic knowledge that will be very useful when studying artificial intelligence.

The usual thing, after having finished these studies, is to take a master’s degree, postgraduate degree or bootcamp specialized in the field of AI. It is there where you will acquire the necessary knowledge to become a professional in artificial intelligence. In case you have not studied anything related to programming or mathematics, it will be a bit more complicated but nothing is impossible if you feel like it and there are more and more diverse profiles working in the sector.

Master in AI and Big Data

Ok, I already have my Higher Education Training and, now, how to study artificial intelligence? In Edix. That easy. Thanks to the FP Master in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data you will learn everything about intelligent systems, you will learn how to create artificial intelligence models with different technologies or how to program robots. Sounds interesting, right? Consult our training plan now and enroll now to learn everything about artificial intelligence with online classes and the best teaching team. In addition, you will carry out internships in leading companies in the sector. 

Skills to work in artificial intelligence

In addition to studying artificial intelligence to become an expert, you must have a series of skills to move freely in this field.

hard skills

If we talk about technical skills (or hard skills) we can highlight three above all things:

  • Programming , it is essential to know several languages ​​because you will use them in your day to day for AI software.
  • Mathematics, you must know about algorithms and applied mathematics because you will face all kinds of problems.
  • Data, extracting and analyzing all kinds of data should be a breeze for you.

soft skills

The complementary soft skills to be a perfect professional in artificial intelligence are: 

  • Creativity: open mind and ability to think of different solutions.
  • Teamwork: various people converge to make each project possible, so knowing how to listen to others is essential.
  • Flexibility: it is essential to know how to adapt to different environments and work methods.
  • Analytical thinking: examining problems with a critical vision, breaking down every detail, is the best option to get the best solutions.

Professional roles in AI

More and more professional roles appear derived from studying artificial intelligence. This set of profiles work together to carry out different projects. In addition to more specialized people in the business, sales or management part, AI roles are essential in these multidisciplinary teams, such as:

  • Data Analyst or Data Analyst : is in charge of obtaining and analyzing all the data and making it understandable and accessible.
  • Data Scientist or Data Scientist : They create data infrastructures and solve complex problems, in addition to communicating their findings to the rest of the team.
  • Data architect or Data Architect: its main function is to analyze and upload large volumes of data, using different software and databases. If they use big data systems , they are called big data architects.
  • Software Engineer or Software Engineer: fundamental in the IA team since software programming has no secrets for them.
  • Machine Learning Engineer or ML Engineer: data and software go hand in hand in this profile that creates the Machine Learning model after analyzing the entire data flow.

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Branches and specializations of AI

The field of AI is very broad, development of artificial intelligence models, machine learning systems, robotic systems, AI programming, business functions… That’s why you should know which AI specialization to opt for. The main branches of AI are:

  • Machine Learning (ML): consists of training machine learning algorithms to, after a while, achieve the best results.
  • Deep Learning: It is a type of Machine Learning that uses deep artificial neural networks.
  • Chatbots: it is a software capable of guiding a conversation with a human.
  • Virtual Digital Assistants: they are capable of organizing and storing information based on a specific user and can respond by voice.
  • Neural Networks: These neural networks are algorithms that seek to mimic human neurons.

What do companies demand from specialist in artificial intelligence?

One of the advantages of studying artificial intelligence with Edix is ​​that it has a clear orientation to the labor market. According to 2022 data , the Industrial Association for the Promotion of the Data Economy and Artificial Intelligence, over the next three years companies in the industrial sector will need more than 90,000 expert professionals in data and artificial intelligence to carry out their projects and achieve compete internationally.

The AI ​​professional profiles most in demand for the future according , which brings together nine large companies are:

  • machine learning engineer
  • data architect
  • data engineer
  • IoT specialist
  • data scientist
  • data viewer
  • data governance specialist
  • data owner
  • business data translator
  • data science citizen
  • industry 4.0 specialist
  • data analyst.

Therefore, studying artificial intelligence is ensuring a future job in any of its specialties.