Jannah WordPress Theme Review 2024 – Stylish Newspaper

Jannah WordPress Theme Review 2022 - Stylish Newspaper

Jannah WordPress Theme Review 2024 – We are talking about a theme for WordPress, the one that we have installed in techjustify for quite some time, that offers great features and is very easy to configure

Any website created and managed with WordPress must have, among other elements, known as plugins , a theme, which serves to define its structure in the eyes of visitors and invite them to browse the pages.

Jannah WordPress Theme Review 2024

Experts recommend that one belonging to the second group be used, with rare exceptions. We is what we do.

We currently have Jannahactivated , a theme that offers great features, which can be downloaded fromThemeforestor from its support website:Tielabs.

What does Jannah theme offer?

If we do an analysis ofJannahwe will find, among other elements, after accessing the configuration options in the top bar or in the side bar of the WordPress administration panel, the following:

In the Generalmenu we will find theconfiguration of the date, thenavigation route, or the addition of custom codes in the header and footer, among other options.

InLayoutwe can set the width of the page, the layout of the theme (full width, boxed, framed, with border), and the preload icon.

Headerallows us to establish the header model among four possible ones. In each of them two menus can be activated and configured, the main and the secondary. Each one supports the activation of different elements. Thus, for example, it is possible that the header occupies the entire width of the screen.

Logois intended to indicate how the logo will be displayed in the header. Also, at the bottom of the page, a link is displayed to set an icon for the site, the so-called favicon.

Footerincludes all the elements that are used to establish what will appear at the bottom of the pages. In addition to the design of the structure in which the widgets are going to be displayed, there is also a section to activate an Instagram area and another to indicate what is included in thecopyrightsection .

InBlocksthere is the possibility of configuring their style: with a normal border, with a rounded border and without it. You can also indicate the style of the block header and itsmetaconfiguration .

Filesis used to specify the elements that are activated on the category pages, tag pages, the author page, and the search page. There are also, in each section, different models, a total of 11 in each case, to show the structure of the pages in each of the aforementioned sections.

Individual entry pageis used to indicate how the structure of this page will be, as well as the elements it includes. It offers a large number of options, adaptable to all types of designs.

Post visitsallows you to activate or not the counter that shows the number of visits that each of the published entries receives.

Buttons to shareis used to define which button model will be included to share on social networks, as well as the place where they are placed: top and/or bottom of each post, and also to fix them on the left and right side of the pages. An option is also displayed that is used to activate the networks in which it can be shared.

Sidebarsis used to make some adjustments to the bars that display the widgets. Thus it is possible to let them be shown as they are, on the right side, move them to the left side, delete them or show a single column. Custom sidebars can also be defined.

Lightboxis used to establish some configurations in the treatment of images.

Page 404: allows you to set some settings on the page that is displayed when the URL of the requested page does not exist.

Advertising: includes a series of options to include it in different parts of the website: above the header, in the header, in the footer, below the header, between the text of the articles, or at the end of the article, among other possibilities. In each case, in addition to the ad code, other settings must be specified.

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In addition to what has already been indicated, other configurations are also possible, such as, for example, changing and adjusting the background of the pages, making changes to the styles and fonts, modifying some texts in the translations, indicating the social networks that are going to be included in the follow buttons, adjust the structure for mobile devices, activate the creation of AMP pages.

There is also a section, calledPerformance, which is used to activate, if necessary, some options aimed at increasing the loading speed of the site.


In addition to what has already been indicated, the theme includes a series of widgets that can be included in the different navigation bars. Just go toAppearance -> Widgetsto activate each of them.

It is a responsivetheme that adapts perfectly to all types of equipment: computers, mobile phones and tablets.

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