Latest Minecraft Cheat Codes for PC in 2025

Minecraft Cheat Codes for PC

Minecraft Cheat Codes – For those of you who are currently still playing the Minecraft game, you must be wondering about the complete Minecraft cheat codes. It is undeniable that until now, Minecraft is still one of the games that is widely loved by gamers.

This game itself is a game developed by Mojang Studio in 2011. The characteristic of this game is that it comes with a blocky visual which is usually called 8 bit.

There are two modes in the Minecraft game. The first is survival mode and creative mode. In survival mode, players must survive by collecting resources, creating items, and also fighting bad guys.

Meanwhile, for creative mode, players must have all the blocks and items in unlimited quantities. Well, below is a more complete explanation.

Latest Minecraft Cheat Codes for PC in 2025

Minecraft Cheat Codes

To complete the mission well, of course gamers need cheat codes to complete the mission. Here is a list of minecraft cheat codes that you can try:

1. Minecraft Cheat Codes to Set the Environment

For those of you who want to customize the environment to your liking, here is a list of cheat codes that you can try:

  • Set the weather: /weather (weather type). For example: /weather rain.
  • Stop day or night time: /gamerule doDaylightCycle false.
  • Teleport to a specified location: /tp (player name) (location coordinates).
  • Set the time: /time set (the specified time). Enter the number 0 to set the time to dawn, 6000 to set the time to noon, while 1200 to set the time to afternoon, and 18000 is for night time. For example: /time set 6000.
  • Enable damage : /falldamage.
  • Enable and disable fire damage: /firedamage.
  • Enable and disable water damage: /waterdamage.
  • Kill all characters : /kill
  • Killing random players :/kill @r
  • Kill all entities : /kill @e.
  • Kill all players : /kill @a.
  • Kill all nearby players : /kill @p.
  • Ride a defeated creature : /ride.
  • Stop enemy attacks: /freeze.
  • Make the game easier: /difficulty (games mode). You can choose easy, normal, and hard game modes.
  • Provides further information about a given command: /help (command name).

2. Minecraft Cheat Code Change Toy Mode

If you feel bored with Minecraft game mode, you can change the mode using the code below:

  • Change game mode to creative mode: /gamemode creative.
  • Change game mode to survival : /gamemode survival.
  • Change game mode to atlantis mode :/atlantis.

3. Minecraft Cheat Codes to Get and Keep Items

For those of you who want to get and save items, here are the cheat codes that you can use:

  • Mining with one click : /instanmine.
  • Instant growing plants : /instanplant.
  • Change all items to melt : /superheat.
  • Store all items in the chest nearby : /dropstore.
  • Giving items to other players: /give (player name) (item) (number of items). Example: /give Nasabamedia minecraft:planks 13.
  • Weapons never take damage : /itemdamage.
  • Keep items on death : /gamerule keepInventory true.
  • Drops a creature or object into the world: /summon.
  • Produce seeds and recreate the world in the future : /seed.

4. Other Minecraft Cheat Codes

For other needs, here are the cheat codes that you can try:

  • Disable command block output : /gamerule commandBlockOutput false.
  • Disable death messages: /gamerule showDeathMessages.
  • Disable fire spreading: /gamerule doFire Tick false.
  • Disable time cycle: /gamerule doDaylightCycle false.
  • Keep items after death : /gamerule keepInventory true.
  • Absorption rate: /effect (player name) 15 (second) level 1-22.

That’s a complete list of minecraft cheat codes that you can try while the game is in progress, either when playing alone or playing with friends. Make sure you try the cheat code you want.

How to Play Together in Minecraft

For those of you who don’t want to play alone, you can invite your friends to mabar (play together):

1. Connect to one network

The first way you can do to play with your friends is using LAN. Make sure that you and your friends are connected to the same internet network.

2. Create a new Minecraft world or Use an Existing one

Next, you can use an existing singleplayer world or create a new world that will later be used when playing together.

3. Activate the Game Mode you want to play

After that, you can click the “Open to LAN” menu, in the game menu and set the activation of the cheat code and the game mode that your friends will play.

4. Select “Start LAN World”

Next, select the “Start LAN World” menu and your friends can join by searching for your LAN server in the Multiplayer section.

5. Done

After following these steps, you can start playing with your friends.

Well, that’s how to play together so you can play minecraft with friends. Next, for those of you who want to take this field seriously, it’s a good idea to know some tips in playing minecraft.

Tips for playing Minecraft so you don’t get bored:

  1. If you play creative mode more often, try playing survival mode once in a while to make playing Minecraft more challenging.
  2. Try to play with your friends. If you are using Minecraft PE, you can play together by joining a temporary WiFi connection, if on PC, you can play together using LAN, or create a server with friends.
  3. Try not to use cheats so that you are more challenged in finding items in Minecraft.
  4. Adventure can also be done to prevent boredom. Make sure you have good enough items and have a donkey to store items.
  5. Try to defeat the Ender Dragon even though it is very difficult.

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Minecraft Survival Tips

After knowing the tips to not get bored in playing minecraft, there are some tips that you can apply so that you can survive in minecraft like a pro player. Here are some tips:

  1. Use the coordinate feature. This coordinate function makes it easier for you to return to your main places.
  2. Don’t craft the clock and compass if you really need them. You just need to open the crafting recipe and the clock and compass are there without having to craft them.
  3. Silent underground. Use torches to keep your area lit. Don’t forget to use armor to survive.
  4. Always carry a bucket of water. This bucket of water is very useful to protect you.
  5. Pay attention to the durability of your tools.
  6. Trap villagers whenever you find a village. While this one may sound cruel, it can protect them from zombies.
  7. Walls and torches save lives.
  8. Storage wars. Store your food in separate crates from your wood. Store your mining tools with your mines.
  9. Plan your building. Before building, try to plan it first.
  10. The best fuel source is lava.
  11. Automate your work. Use machines to help you with your work.
  12. Mushroom biome is the safest and most peaceful place you can visit.
  13. Use the right ingredients.
  14. Take advantage of the most efficient mining tools.
  15. Get to work.

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