Which PDF Editor Is Best And Free?

Which PDF Editor Is Best And Free?

Which PDF Editor Is Best And Free? – After years of testing several PDF editors, I can boldly say there is no BEST pick. Let me explain!

The easy-to-use, FREE editors don’t have enough features. They cannot even edit (but whitewash) PDFs in the real sense.

And then there are editors with premium features (such as PDF combination or comparison). However, they don’t come cheap.

Take Adobe as an example; it’s a premium tool. But the subscription can be expensive for individuals and personal businesses.

So, there’s no exact “BEST editor” that is also free. Nevertheless, there is a middle ground:

You can enjoy premium PDF editing tools at a bargain pricing!

In this article, I’ll share how I’ve been able to achieve PDF editing for almost free – and the PDF Editor I used.

 Foxit PDF Editor

How To Use Premium PDF Editors For Almost Free

BTW, do you know you can use PDF editors in three different ways?

  • On your PC (either as a .exe or .app file)
  • On your smartphone
  • Online – accessible via PC and mobile

Of the three options, I’ll recommend the online PDF editor. Here is why:

  1. Online PDF Editor is the closest thing to a freemium deal. It is the cheapest – regardless of your preferred brand.
  2. Online PDF Editor won’t strain your PC or android’s primary memory. It runs on your browser, and you’d have all the features of a regular .exe or .app application.

In summary, the best way to use any premium editor for free is to do so online. Outside the cheapest subscription, this option has a reasonable free trial period.

Now let’s see how to use any premium editor for almost free.

  1. Visit the editor’s website to access their online editing tool
  2. Register your account to enjoy the limited free trial
  3. Edit your PDF and enjoy a host of other features
  4. Save and download your work

Pro tip: don’t leave your project as just saved during the free trial. Always download your work after editing.

The PDF Editor I’ve Been Using For Almost Free

Of the several PDF editors I used, Foxit PDF Editor stood out. It is just as robust as Adobe and even more affordable.

Beyond affordability, Foxit PDF Editor is super-easy to use. The least technical person in your office can use this tool without a manual. Plus, the interface is simple.

Here are some of the common uses of Foxit PDF Editor:

  • Creating PDFs from scratch – while this is possible with Microsoft Word, there are a few limitations. For example, you can’t add forms or signatures.
  • Combining PDFs – I compiled my favorite resources into a single file hassle-free.
  • Compressing PDFs – my resources are usually heavy files (above 25MB) because of my work. But with PDF Editor, I could reduce the size without tanking the quality.

That said, here is how I’ve been able to use Foxit PDF Editor for almost free.

Note: I use the Online Foxit PDF Editor. It only costs $49.99 yearly. Plus, there is a 5-day free trial period.

  1. Visit https://pdfonline.foxit.com/
  2. Register with your Gmail account to fast-track the registration process
  3. Follow the prompt on the dashboard to edit, combine, or compress your PDFs.


As mentioned earlier, no PDF Editor has it all in terms of features and pricing. However, Foxit PDF Editor comes pretty close. That’s why I use it!

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