10 Best AI tools For Education in 2023

Best AI tools For Education

Best AI tools For Education – The term artificial intelligence is often associated with business or scientific and technical research. But this technology is also available to the general public and everyone can benefit from it. It mainly aims to make it easier for humans in the different aspects of life.

The teaching profession involves a lot of work, because in addition to the actual teaching, the educator must also plan homework, exams, etc. Especially since he must follow up on the progress of each student. But to some extent, and with a little help, learners can be less dependent on teachers.

Best AI tools For Education

This is where artificial intelligence comes in. It can provide supports and tools that help ease the burden on educators and improve the way pupils and students learn . In this article, we bring you the top ten AI tools for education.


Correcting tests and exams is one of the most time-consuming tasks. Gradescope is assessment software that helps teachers mark assignments. But it also allows students to rate each other with feedback. The software allows for example to make a simultaneous correction of several works or a transversal correction of the same question.

In addition, Grade Scope uses machine learning to facilitate grading. Projects and assignments are uploaded digitally to the platform. The teacher just has to define the correction criteria and the grading scales that the AI ​​tool will apply to all the copies.

Also, the app provides statistical dashboards revealing the level of student achievement.


Cognii is also a provider of AI tools for educating students from kindergarten to 12th grade. The company also works with higher education establishments and companies that train new employees. Its solutions include a learning platform , a virtual learning assistant and an assessment engine .

Cognii’s virtual assistant offers, for example, a personalized tutoring program through a conversation in which the learner practices answering open-ended questions. The assessment engine provides immediate scoring of ideas formulated by the student. To understand text, Cognii relies on natural language processing (NLP) .

Teachers can follow their progress thanks to an analysis tool that displays information in real time.

Ivy Chatbot

Ivy.ai allows to create a chatbot for higher education. The platform actually has the ability to design a specialized chatbot for any department to answer student questions .

Conversational AI can inform about all the formalities of the university process, including registration, tuition, etc. Additionally, an Ivy Chatbot can also answer questions regarding student loans as well as available scholarships and grants. And like all AI chatbots , it gets better over time.

On the other hand, the Ivy.ai platform gives establishments the possibility of planning recruitment campaigns. For this purpose, it uses information collected by chatbots.

Altitude Learning

In second place in our top AI tools for education is Altitude Learning. It is a learner-centered self-learning platform . In simple terms, it means that it helps students learn on their own through a curriculum provided by the teacher.

The latter can distribute the work individually or by group. It can also create learner-centered experiences by considering how they learn best. Altitude learning therefore makes it possible to create a personalized program for each student and to monitor their progress in relation to the standards.

Instead of teacher-directed learning, the learner-centered approach allows the learner to thrive while benefiting from the support and guidance of the educator.

Century Tech

Century Tech is a London-based company that offers an educational platform. She combines the neuroscience of data analysis to design personalized learning programs for students.

For example, when the learner answers questions, Century’s AI can understand how they learn by taking into account their strengths and weaknesses. She can then suggest a suitable individual course and provide personal comments.

For teachers, the platform provides an interactive dashboard to observe student progress. Parents can also take advantage of these AI tools to track their children’s education.

Read Also: Best AI Chatbot Platforms For Your Business [2023]

Knewton High

Knewton’s Alta platform also provides courseware for students in higher education institutions. With its adaptive learning technology , it individually plans each student’s experience based on available content.

The learner can find videos or text documents. In addition, he can optimize his way of learning and doing his homework with the help of examples and evaluations. Knewton Alta offers several courses in statistics mathematics economics and even chemistry .

Carnegie Learning

For high school and college students, Carnegie Learning provides an educational platform powered by AI and machine learning. A good reason why the platform is in our top AI tools is that it has won many awards in the field of education.

It offers several school programs in the areas of math literacy and world languages . If you are looking for a way to help your students improve their knowledge of the Spanish, German, Chinese or Italian language, Carnegie Learning may be the answer. Also, it functions as a tutor and can provide a personalized experience for each learner.

Carnegie also offers reading software, Fast ForWord , which helps students with reading difficulties. Among other things, it targets the causes of these difficulties to improve the user’s reading skills. This can, for example, relate to phonetics, the alphabet, vocabulary, grammar or comprehension. Fast ForWord also helps improve learner’s cognitive skills such as memory and attention.

Carnegie Learning has also developed cognitive virtual tutoring software called Mika . Like the other tools on this list, it adapts to the needs of students to improve their education. Mika provides real-time feedback. According to Carnegie, the software would save institutions millions of dollars a year in the process of catching up.


Unlike the other AI tools for education on our list, Hugh is a physical robot . It can be controlled by voice, thanks to its voice recognition system . His favorite field is books, and more precisely libraries. All the learner has to do is tell him the title of the book he wants to consult and Hugh will find it in a few minutes.

Moreover, the designers gave him a body so that he could move. Because of this, it doesn’t just tell where the books are, it can guide users to their exact location.


Knowji offers an innovative approach to learning vocabulary . The application therefore deserves its place in our top AI tools for education. To ensure that the pupils retain the new words well, she uses audio-visual aids, including sentences and images.

Knowji tracks each user’s progress and can predict which words they have more difficulty with. Similarly, it anticipates times when the student does not remember a word with a spaced repetition algorithm.

In other words, the application uses a playful method to teach vocabulary and ensures that knowledge is well assimilated. And the more the student improves, the more the level of difficulty increases. The application therefore offers more difficult sentences so that learning does not stagnate.


Finally, we close our list with Querium which focuses on the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) or STIM in French. The platform aims to prepare students for university studies and their future careers.

For this purpose, it uses a virtual tutor to accompany learners step by step in their learning process. In other words, Querium plans a personalized journey. Another advantage is that the lessons are less bulky so that students can assimilate them more easily. Plus, they can quickly access programs from their smartphone or personal computer.

As with all tools for education, AI offers increased speed and analytical power. For teachers, this translates into more effective monitoring of students. By identifying gaps more quickly, they can focus their lessons on areas for improvement.