6 Best LinkedIn Alternatives for Professional Networking in 2023

6 Best LinkedIn Competitors & Alternatives in 2022

6 Best LinkedIn Alternatives in 2023 – As has been seen over these 18 years, LinkedIn has consolidated its position as the professional network privileged by the vast majority of professionals, which has made it increasingly gain a larger user base. Despite this, there are some alternatives that may not be so great but are also active. See which platforms are competing with LinkedIn!

Best LinkedIn Alternatives for Professional Networking in 2023


Described as the “European LinkedIn” by some, Xing is largely similar to LinkedIn: it allows you to create a profile, join groups, follow industry news and more. It is described as the “European LinkedIn” due to the fact that it has a more predominant focus on the German-speaking market and is more used in Europe. connect with me

Despite this, it has users in more than 200 countries and supports 16 languages, which makes this network also very versatile.

Another important difference is the ambassador program that Xing uses, where only those who are Ambassadors can create local events, typically promoting the use of the tool.


Viadeo is also a network compared to LinkedIn, but despite its practically free access, it has not managed to have the adhesion that LinkedIn had. It has a user base that is very similar to LinkedIn, consisting of professionals of different types, largely French-speaking.


China has a lot of restrictions on internet access and therefore tends to turn to Chinese services to have existing services available to the world at large. An example of this is having their own chat service (WeChat) and similar ones.

LinkedIn is no exception, which is why China has a “Chinese LinkedIn” which is Maimai. This platform also appears to be very similar to LinkedIn, in order to connect Chinese professionals.

This platform will certainly now have greater preponderance due to the fact that LinkedIn has abandoned the Chinese market.


This professional social network is more aimed at young people today, who are still trying to find their place in the job market or are still young professionals. Although LinkedIn is also home to many future or young workers, this network is focused on this audience.

With almost 2 million users in more than 150 countries, with an average age between 16 and 26, it is clear that they are reaching their target audience.

It also presents many similarities with LinkedIn, however Goodwall also presents the possibility to not only search for opportunities and vacancies (whether employment or volunteering), but also allows you to search for scholarships, which is a key aspect for a young professional.

Another interesting aspect is the possibility that, by entering the grades of basic education, location and areas of interest, Goodwall looks for universities and courses that may be interesting for the student looking to apply for a higher degree.


Hired performs a function of something that LinkedIn has been uniquely thought of for a long time: a job portal.

Basically, what this platform does is allow the user to create a profile and enter details so that companies can then apply to interview the professional (which has been a recruitment trend ).

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In this way, it is guaranteed that both the candidate’s vision and the company’s vision are mutually aligned, which allows for a better fit and, therefore, greater stability in the jobs.


The Pozi platform is a platform dedicated to entrepreneurship and start-ups. The purpose of this network is to connect and interconnect the different points that make up the construction of an idea, a team or a product.

The platform accepts individuals, who may be (according to the website): Innovators; Mentors or Investors; and Organizations, which may be considered “Angel Groups”; Corporations or Incubators/Accelerators.

The platform also provides events for users to participate and, with that, share their ideas and meet people who are interested in those ideas or, simply, contribute to the event so that there is also a networking dynamic, something that LinkedIn is also great for. very notorious.

Conclusion about the different Alternatives For LinkedIn

All these networks have their particularities, however, they all have a common thread: the act of connecting and connecting professionals with other professionals, be they young people, investors or entrepreneurs. All these platforms have their respective differences, but LinkedIn remains the platform of excellence.

However, for some users, it may be interesting to have another account on these platforms or even discover others that can complement their professional activity.