Cloud Computing: Everything you need to know

Cloud Computing: Everything you need to know about

The digital universe has driven several technological trends in the globalized world,Cloud Computingbeing one of them. Today, most of the applications used by people and organizations adopt some type of cloud solution.

Among the various operations, you can check here online, store files, use programs aimed at productivity, send money abroad, and several other solutions that make our lives easier. Therefore, it is important to know the technology and understand how it can be applied.

Cloud Computing gives access to technology solutions over the internet, facilitating business processes and activities. Know more!

Read on to clear your doubts about cloud computing and understand what are the possible applications in companies connected to digital transformation. Come on?

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing or cloud computing are systems in whichexternal servers perform data processing and storage, allowing remote access to solutions. This access takes place over the internet.

Servers have the characteristic of being diffused, that is, scattered in all parts and directions. So, for example, astreaminguser may have watched a movie that was stored in Brazil, another in the US, a third in Japan, and so on. In all cases, it was not necessary to download the entire file and then display it, as was done before cloud computing.

The user experience is tohave the resources and tools on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device. However, the storage and processing is almost completely carried out externally, relying on third-party infrastructure.

In fact, the cloud is more noticeable when something goes wrong. If, for example, the user has to access a server very far from their location, it is possible to suffer from latency, giving the feeling of slowness or delays. It takes milliseconds more for the information to arrive due to the distance that needs to be covered by cables.

Most of the time, however, with a good internet connection, it would be like having the features installed on the device itself.

What is Cloud Computing and how does it work?

The cloud allows people and organizationsto use external information technology resources as if they were their own. So, as giant technology companies enter this market, the trend is for solutions to become more and more varied and satisfy an increasing number of needs.

The first cloud computing service that gained the public was data storage. From there, it became possible to keep files off the servers and local devices, saving their own resources and using the security offered by technology companies. After all, the user only needs to worry about preserving their passwords and other authentication mechanisms.

We can also mention the various programs and applications that are made available through the cloud. E-mail, programs for office productivity (text editor, spreadsheet, presentation), banking applications, delivery, most of today’s solutions use cloud solutions.

An example of the importance of Cloud Computing for applications occurred, for example, when the AWS network failed in 2021 . As a result, numerous delivery services, banks, streaming, electronic games were down or had malfunctions.

In this sense, Cloud Computing has become one of the most used standards for offering products and services in the digital market.

What are the types of cloud?

An important point is that there are different types of cloud computing. It all depends onwhat the relationship between the service provider and the users is like. Below, see the five most common types of Cloud Computing.

Public cloud

The public cloud is one in which the service offering isopen to people and organizations in general, with services structured by a provider. In this case, the user is reaping the benefits of a third-party service.

Examples of public clouds are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services. In all of them, it is possible to hire the solutions provided by these companies, which can follow different cloud computing formats.

Private cloud

In the private network, the responsibility for the Cloud Computing system lieswith the person or organization. Thus, software that facilitates the creation of infrastructures is used, such as VMware and CloudStack.

This second model, therefore, has the advantage of minimizing data sharing with third parties. However, it gives up a number of services offered by technology companies in their public clouds.

Managed Private Cloud

In the managed model, the company developsits system in the cloud with the help of third-party infrastructure. As a result, configuration, deployment, and maintenance activities are the responsibility of the service provider.

The difference for the public cloud is that the infrastructure is dedicated to the service provider, and not shared with the demands of other users.

Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud is theapplication of both types, public and private, according to the needs of each area. For example, a company could use a private network for confidential data, while using the public network for day-to-day activities.

What are the advantages of Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing: Everything you need to know about

Cloud computing solutions bring several advantages, which make more and more companies seek this type of solution. Understand themain benefitsbelow.

Reduces costs

Most of the data processing and storage effort is supported by external resources. Thus, the user canmaintain simpler hardware, which avoids license expenses and has a lower demand for physical space for servers, leading him to operate with a leaner IT team, among other savings.

Enables remote access

Cloud solutions can be accessed fromany internet-enabled device. Therefore, they facilitate remote activities, as it is not necessary to be in a specific location to be able to use the services.

Centralizes the information

Storage can be centralized. Instead of files scattered across multiple devices, the user experience is one of having everything organizedin one place.

Account with elasticity

Cloud services can bequickly scaled up or downby simply changing vendor contracts. A good example is the storage capacities and the number of users in software, which tend to be larger as the company pays for the more complete service plans.

Allows agility in communication

Data is shared more quickly in cloud computing. After all, instead of transferring between devices,any authorized person can accessthe information online.

Facilitates information security

The companyminimizes the internal effort to maintaininformation security. In general, services are accessed via internet browsers, via username, password, two-step verification, etc.

In this sense, the protection of the servers itself is in charge of the technology provider, while the user is responsible for simpler care.

What are the cloud computing formats?

There arecountless solutionsin Cloud Computing and an almost limitless list of examples where the technology can be applied. One way to understand how it works is to know the formats in which these services can be offered. Below, see some examples!

Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)

IaaS, or infrastructure as a service, makes it possible tohire external storage and processing capacity. With this, the customer can develop their own applications and uses for the technology.

Those looking for IaaS are usually interested in using servers and data centers, as well as relying on security solutions provided by cloud technology providers.

Platform as a Service(PaaS)

Platform as a Service( Platform as a Service) brings infrastructure solutionsplus tools for the development of digital solutions. Therefore, the company can build software and applications for the vendor’s cloud environment.

An example is companies that sell software online. In this case, the resources, virtual environment and functionality can be created on a cloud platform. Thus, deployment and availability to external users will be simpler.

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Although the user hires the company’s software, the operation will happen thanks to the cloud infrastructure.

Software as Service(SaaS)

The most common model in everyday life isSoftwareas Service. In it, applications and programs are no longer products, purchased and installed on our machines, to bedigital services, accessed over the internet.

The examples are the most varied. We can mention online management systems,internet banking, cloud storage solutions, a platform for sending money abroad, social networks, and several other solutions.

What is Multicloud?

One trend is the use of Multicloud. The model creates a system thatuses solutions from different cloud services.

The reasons for this option begin with the expansion of service capacity. It is possible, for example, that the company’s demand is greater than the resources made available by a single supplier, and it is beneficial to use others to expand the potential.

It may also be that services perform better in some functions than others. Thus, it is possible that the company needs the tools of an IaaS, but prefers the development platform of another, also hiring a PaaS.

Another possibility is to try to minimize latency. A multinational company, for example, can hire suppliers in different locations so that their customers can access their services without delays or delays.

The logic isto take advantage of the strengths of each solution and minimize the weaknesses.

How to apply Cloud Computing in business?

Cloud Computing solutions canfacilitate business in different situations. In practice, companies can use the three models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), assuming different positions depending on the objective. With that, check out some possibilities of cloud computing applications in business.

Scalability of technology infrastructure

A key action for companies is to hire scalable services. Cloud computing cankeep up with the growth of the business, without the costs growing proportionally to the increase in demand by the organization.

Availability of products and services

The cloud can also be used by the company tosell products and services over the internet. In this context, the solution can be digital, such as software or online course, or the communication channel can be hosted in the cloud, as in e-commerce and store applications.

Application and software development

Developing digital solutions will also be easier, especially in the PaaS model. Thesesoftware and applicationscan be used to serve the customer or improve internal processes and activities, among other options.

Conducting data analysis

Cloud Computing makesdata analytics solutions more affordable. This is because the processing of information is done in the external infrastructure. Therefore, even companies that would not have the resources to process data internally can use this technology.

Implementation of alternative work models

Another possibility isto change the way work in the company works. With Cloud Computing, there is no longer a need to have a physical headquarters for numerous activities, and the company can use technology to implement these new models, such as home office and hybrid work (some days at home and others at the company) .

What are examples of Cloud Computing application in companies?

An example of Cloud Computing application in companies is the migration of programs and files on internal servers to external infrastructure. Another case is the hiring of management software in theSaaSmodel .

We can also mention the use of services tofacilitate business routines. The credit card machine, for example, has payments processed through cloud infrastructure. Likewise, domestic bank transfers and international payments can use these options.

Another very common case ismarketplaces. In them, the company uses the virtual storefronts of large websites and portals to sell its products. In fact, thee-commercesthemselves are hosted through external services.

In practice, the company can be a user of the services, as in the case of SaaS. Via PaaS, it can act as a developer, seeking benefits for itself or to create solutions to be placed on the market. Or in the management of IT services, hiring an infrastructure that supports the company, through IaaS.

In short, Cloud Computing is anindispensable technologyfor business in today’s world. Elasticity, agility, resource savings and several other advantages can be available to people and organizations. Therefore, it is worth considering using solutions in the cloud.

If this content clarified your doubts about Cloud Computing,share the article on your social networksand spread this material to your business partners, friends and followers!


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing or cloud computing is a model of services offered by the internet. In it, people and organizations can use the storage and processing capacity of external technology providers, accessing solutions remotely on their devices.

What is Cloud Computing Examples?

Cloud Computing is everywhere. Internet file storage, banking applications, international remittance platforms, online commerce are some examples.

What are the benefits of Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing services bring benefits such as resource savings, elasticity, remote access, centralization and agility in data access.

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