Deluge Torrent Review 2024: Is Safe and Alternatives

Deluge Torrent Review

Deluge Torrent Review2024 : Is Safe and Alternatives – Deluge torrent, to come back to it, was developed by two Americans, Zach Tibbitts and Alon Zakai, in the 2000s. The first version was released in 2009 and the last in 2019. The tool is therefore not new! That said, if it is still the subject of updates and this article (also), it is because it hasproven itself.Despite its age, Deluge reviews still place it among the best .

Who is Deluge torrent?

Deluge software is part offree and open source software. The first term, I suppose, doesn’t worry anyone, but what is open source? An open source program is a program whose code can be viewed and modified by anyone (provided they do a little coding). A major advantage when a bug has crept in and a good soul fixes it. This also allows a whole community of enthusiasts todevelop plug-ins andoptions. They are constantly improving the software and evolving it, like Deluge torrent.

As a result, we obtain extremely comprehensivetools that truly meet theneeds of users.They are also entirely collaborative, which is one of the great founding ideas of the internet. Some software of this type isvery well known, such as the LibreOffice office suite or the VLC media player.

In terms of operation, Deluge torrent allows thesharing of torrent filesbetween several computers using the BitTorrent protocol. There are many protocols on the internet, which have very specific and very diverse functions. The small downside with a protocol like BitTorrent is that your computer does not know how to use it on its own, it does not know how to manage it. It needs middleware,called aclient.This client will make the link between the protocol and your machine. There are plenty of torrent clients, including Deluge client, which interests us here.

How do you use Deluge software?

It’s no more complicated than using any software.

  • Above all, make sure youequip yourself with an antivirus and a VPN, your twobodyguardswhen you browse the web. If you don’t have a VPN, I recommend ExpressVPN, which is tested and approved by me and which you can find here .
  • Once you’ve figured out the VPN, go to the Deluge torrentsite anddownload the program(because that’s the subject after all).
  • The installation wizard will guide you through configuring your Deluge software.
  • Enable the anonymous download feature. To do this, use your VPN.If you don’t know how to do it, everything is explained here , follow the guide!

Are you ready? Great. When you open the software, you notice a somewhat“empty”design , almost not welcoming. Don’t let yourself be fooled by excessive aesthetics and negative reviews about the too sober interface. We don’t ask a torrent client to be fashionable, but to work in asimple and efficientmanner .

And that’s exactly what our Deluge software does. The reason the interface is so clean is that there is a long list ofplug-ins and featuresyou can add. Tah-daah! The style of Deluge torrent is up to you depending on what you want it to do.

Be careful what you load

With torrent clients, whether Deluge software or another, there are certain details to keep in mind.

  • Only download your torrent software from theofficial website– this already gives you thelatest and most stable version.You can consult reliable Deluge reviews and above all, obtain a virus-free version!
  • Be wary of thecontentyou download. Some are in violation of the law forcopyrightissues (films, books, music, etc.) and you risk ending up with a niceletter from Hadopiin your mailbox.
  • Others are downright riddled withvirusesand malware which then wander around your PC without authorization and can cause malfunctions.
  • At the risk of repeating myself, I strongly recommend dual VPN protection(accessible here)and antivirus.

Deluge reviews, Safe and benefits

Deluge torrent combines the advantages of beinglight, easy to use and completely customizable.It’s extremely flexiblesoftware thanks to all its plug-ins that you can make do whatever you want. However, the configuration may take some time. Afterwards, if customization is not your thing, the sober design which concentrates thebasic functionalitiesis quite sufficient to use it effectively, all the Deluge reviews will tell you that.

This purification has otherstrong points: it makes Deluge torrentvery easy to use, even when you are not comfortable with torrent clients. Plus, it’s anultra-light programthat won’t slow down your hard drive.Bonus, being open-source, it is completelyad-free.It also has other interesting functions such as proxy management or remote control. Deluge software’s proxy management is a feature that complements your VPN. It allows additional anonymization to be implemented.

Deluge torrent is alsocompatible with all operating systems, from Windows to MacOS, including Linux, Android and iOS. Very stable, it presents very few counterproductive behaviors (program that crashes or closes unexpectedly, unexplained slowness, etc.). Which is very practical: with Deluge software, we havevery few unpleasant surprises. A simple check for ‘deluge user reviews’ in your search engine should convince you that it is trustworthy, if this article hasn’t already done so.

Deluge torrent, the strength of the plug-in

The real strength of this program – and the Deluge reviews agree on this point – are all theseplug-ins. Thanks to them, the software is constantly being renewed by including newfeaturesand abandoning those that are obsolete. We therefore have software adapted to theuser’s needsin real time and that’s pretty great to mention.

Getting started may seem a bit laborious, but when I say getting started, I meanhalf an hourof attention, not three days of lessons. You don’t need to be an internet pro to master it, you’ll do very well even without a doctorate in computer science!

Be careful though when you download all these plug-ins, they can play tricks on you. Some have been tested and approved by the community and areofficial. Others are beta versions developed by jacks of all trades to fill a need. The ideas are often very good, but the programs can be unstable or with small bugs. If Deluge torrent is acting up, remember tocheck the versionsof your plug-ins.

Alternatives to Deluge software

If despite all your doubts remain, this Deluge review article also aims to tell you about thealternatives. There are a large number of them, and I wanted to present to you a few of them, which for me are the most serious.


It is an interesting competitor, I have also devoted an article to it which can be consulted at this link .Lightweight, but not as much as Deluge software, it is alsoopen source and ad-free. It uses little RAM and is the easiest to use of the torrent clients. It’s a littleless customizablebecause it has fewer plugins. Its designers therefore had to make compromises between its lightness and its options, which is not the case with Deluge, all of whose plug-ins are optional.


It’s arguably themost well-knowntorrent client of all, as I explain here . It is not ad-free unlike Deluge software. This disadvantage is, however, offset by afun interfaceand options that are easy to set up for beginners. Example, bandwidth distribution ormanual speed managementin order to be able to prioritize certain loads. A customization appreciated by beginners and experts alike. For the latter (and as on Deluge advice to amateurs), more advanced management tools are available.


This is the torrent client for those who have already gotten their hands dirty. A quality as a defect: itsperformancerequiresmore advanced handling. You can opt for apremium versionwhich frees you from advertising and provides you with an antivirus. Please note that the free version is already of good quality if you do not want to upgrade to premium. If you’re new to torrent clients, however, it may not bethe easiest to get to grips with.Unlike Deluge software which can be mastered in three clicks, Vuze is a little more demanding.

Conclusion: my Deluge opinion

Deluge torrent often suffers from the fact that it is less known thanheavyweightslike uTorrent. However, it hasnothing to envy themin terms of performance, handling or security. It is a completely honorable program that deserves an article and use withconfidence.

It doesn’t get mentioned enough when it comes to open source software, but there is documentation and hundreds of forum pages tohelp you. Open-source doesn’t mean you’re being left out in the wild. Remember that there are stillthousands of Internet userswho use Deluge reviews like you. If you encounter a problem, there is no after-sales service. On the other hand, an entire community has probably already had the same problem and solved it before you.

In conclusion, I am particularly a fan of plug-ins which givereal flexibilityto Deluge software. Even if the initial interface is a little flat, it takes us to theessential functionalitiesand my Deluge opinion is that… it’s the essential! (we started with a bad joke, let’s end on the same note!)

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