How to best layout for clash of clans beginner

how to best layout for clash of clans beginner

Video games accompany us onvideo consoles and mobile phonesand today it is difficult to find someone who is not hooked on some type of game, be it puzzles, arcade, strategy, etc.

Talking about games today is not possible without referring toClash of Clans. This game was released in 2012 for iOS and in 2013 it was alreadyavailable on Google Playand since then its popularity has not stopped growing.

It is a multiplayer strategy game whose main objective is to build a village, train soldiers and attack other players with the aim ofgaining more wealththat at the same time can help us to continue improving our village.

Millions of people play Clash of Clans every day. For those who are starting now in this game, it does not hurt to review some basic aspects, which you can combine with the Clash of Clans tricks and best tips for villages, strategies, better structures, and defenses, which we have already told you in some chance.

Index( )

  1. Join a clan
  2. Distribute your village wisely
  3. Upgrade your troops
  4. Take care of defenses
  5. Keep an eye on the shield
  6. Do you know the new features of Clash of Clans?

If you want to improve your chances of resisting an attack it is better that you join a clan. Each clan can have a maximum of 50 participants and allows to obtain more loot. Furthermore, if your village is attacked,your allies can help youdefend it.

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Players often arrange their village in a way that is as beautiful as possible, but efficiency is more important than aesthetics. Try to build different paths to confuse your enemies andprotect the key buildings within the walls.

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Players who have been in ashort timeand have a small village can better protect their resources by hiding their buildings in the corners of the map. Placing the mines in secluded places is a good idea to distract the enemies and reduce the damage.

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Having a good army is vital both to attack others and emerge victorious and to defend against an attack. Improving the performance of soldiers can be expensive, so we mustcarefully analyze in which improvementswe are going to invest our resources. If we need to break down walls, it is better that we invest in improving the giants, while if what we want is to protect the village, it is best to improve the archers.

Theactive defenseshelp us protect our village against enemies. Mortars and air defenses are best placed near the center and surrounded by a line of defense with other items such as archer towers or cannons.

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Keep in mind that every time you decide to improve a defense element it takes a few hours to complete the operation, so you should try tomake the improvements little by littleand when you have the shield activated, this way you reduce the possibility of suffering an attack.

As we have commented previously, the shield protects you against enemy attacks, but when you attack your enemies it breaks temporarily. The game will warn you when the shield is almost completely broken, so you will have to be careful not to leave the village unprotected.

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In view, that this is agame of strategies to build your own village, create Clans, compete in epic clan wars with online players, it is necessary to know what the new functions of the game are to be able to face all the challenges that this game presents.

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To face the Barbarians with mustaches, the Magicians with fiery balls of fire and the Troops, of thefascinating world of Clash of Clansit is necessary to improve the forms of attack and defense in a way that allows to advance and grow in the construction of the town successfully .

Among the new functions that will allow fighting the opponent, we can point out the following:

  • New siege engine, which will allow you to crush enemy villages with the log launcher.
  • New members of the Super troops are the Super Wizard and the Ice Hound.
  • The new spell, the new content for the town hall at level 13, which improves the quality and much more.

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