How to Connect AirPods on Android

How to Connect AirPods on Android

How to connect AirPods on Android – The AirPods are, without a shadow of a doubt, among the best True Wireless headphones around. 

Precisely because of their excellent quality, the latter is often purchased even by users who do not own iPhones, but who use an Android smartphone. 

In fact, although many think that the famous AirPods are only suitable for Apple users, the latter can also be paired with Android devices.

Obviously, as we will show you in the course of the guide, there are some compromises to be taken into account, but which do not compromise their use and correct functioning. 

So, if you want to find out how to use Apple’s earphones with your smartphone, we at techjustify will show you how to connect AirPods on Android.

Content index

  • Preliminary information
  • How to connect AirPods to Android
    • Classic method
    • App to connect AirPods to Android
    • Assistant Trigger
    • AirBattery

Preliminary information

Before showing you the various methods to connect the AirPods to an Android device, it is good to provide you with some important preliminary information, in order to prepare you for the various procedures.

  • First, you need to know that connecting AirPods to an Android device happens differently than to an Apple device.
  • This is because the earphones have been designed mainly for the devices of the Cupertino house, in every operation.
  • In fact, pairing the AirPods to an iPhone is practically instantaneous, as the earphones immediately recognize the nearby device and connect to the associated Apple ID.
  • Also, some of the features of the AirPods, which obviously are compatible with Apple devices, are not available in the case of Android devices, unless third-party apps are used.

How to connect AirPods to Android

After clarifying some fundamental points, we can continue and find out together how to connect the AirPods to an Android smartphone. 

As you will see, it is possible to connect the AirPods to Android following the “standard” procedure or by relying on some applications.

Classic method

To connect the AirPods to your Android device, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps. 

However, as a matter of convenience, before connecting the AirPods to the Android smartphone, we advise you to unpair the earphones from your Apple device, in order to avoid automatic pairing.

  • Open the case of the AirPods and, on your Android device, go to the Bluetooth settings  , activating, if necessary, the function
  • On the AirPods case, on the back, press and hold the Pairing button until the case LED turns white
  • At this point, on your Android device you will receive a notification , which will notify you of the availability of Apple headphones
  • Finally, tap on the AirPods item , present in the list of available Bluetooth devices, then all you have to do is confirm the connection

App to connect AirPods to Android

Do you want to rely on an application that allows you to make the most of Apple headphones with your Android smartphone? No problem! 

In fact, in the next few lines, we will show you a couple of applications that, in our opinion, work very well and are great for using AirPods on Android.

Assistant Trigger

Assistant Trigger is certainly one of the best alternatives to control the AirPods (almost) completely. In fact, the app shows the charge level of both the earphones and their case, just like on iOS.

Furthermore, thanks to the application, you can take advantage of some features of the AirPods which, generally, are only available with Apple devices (for example double tap ).

In addition, Assistant Trigger also makes available to users the functionality dedicated to ear detection: just as happens on the iPhone.

When the headset is removed from the ear, the music is stopped, in such a way as to facilitate the experience of use.

Another thing not to be underestimated is the call / SMS notification, which allows the user to know who is calling or the subject of a message received.


Even AirBattery could be very useful, especially if you want to be constantly informed about the remaining charge of your AirPods. 

In fact, as you can easily deduce from the name, the main purpose of this app is to show the battery level of the earphones and the case.

Read Also : Top 10 Apps to Have on your Apple Watch

But that’s not all, as thanks to AirBattery it is also possible to activate the automatic detection of devices, a feature that allows you to connect/disconnect the AirPods even easier and faster.

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