How to Publish Content on LinkedIn Pulse

How to Publish Content on LinkedIn Pulse

How to Publish Content on LinkedIn Pulse – Blogging is one of the best ways to make your expertise known and develop your company’s reputation. Convinced of the benefits of creating and publishing content, you have developed an inbound marketing strategy with your communications manager. You publish targeted content on your site. Your challenge is now to develop the points of contact between your content and your audience. It is in this context that the use of social networks takes on their full meaning.

Publishing content on LinkedIn, the social network favored by professionals, allows you to reach your known target, but above all to expand your audience to audiences who do not yet know you. Sharing your expertise on LinkedIn allows you to develop the engagement of your readers and to reassure and retain your customers.

Unpaid publications generate visibility, also called “organic search”. Depending on the networks, the search organization is not the same. Facebook has chosen to favor sponsored content. Its organic search is currently only 3%. With Twitter, user members are not necessarily aligned with your target, depending on your sector of activity. Organic search is 10% On LinkedIn, the b2b network par excellence, it reaches 20%. The question therefore does not arise, you have to publish on LinkedIn to gain visibility.

Why should I publish content on LinkedIn Pulse?

Many professionals consider that publishing content elsewhere than on your website is not relevant, because it results in generating traffic to another website. So they choose to publish only on the site. This is a mistake.

Posting on LinkedIn can really grow your audience. According to the latest statistics, LinkedIn has over 1 billion users worldwide, including 132 million in India. 76.5 million of them are active on the platform every month. These numbers speak volumes about the exposure and reach you could have if you developed a blogging strategy on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn users are constantly looking for expertise in their industry and market. LinkedIn Pulse therefore offers you relevant visibility to share your expertise and position yourself as an authority in your field. Thanks to your published articles and the interactions that will result from them, LinkedIn allows you to develop new relationships, establish strong and relevant links, supported by recognized added value. You will develop your credibility and trust, and then enrich your network with other experts in your market, opening the doors to the generation of new leads and thus promoting the growth of your business.

Publishing content directly on LinkedIn Pulse should be combined with sharing the articles you publish on your site on the social network. In both cases, publishing directly on Pulse or sharing your web articles on LinkedIn will increase your visibility, develop your notoriety and increase traffic to your website. The more you publish on the network, the more you will develop your expertise. If we consider that a b2b buyer does his first research on the net before engaging in commercial contact, it is relevant to consider that increasing your visibility increases the number of visits to your website and therefore the probability of generating new inbound leads.

What is LinkedIn Pulse?

LinkedIn Pulse is a content aggregator that allows you to develop an argument, share expertise and make your know-how known. Your Pulse articles will appear in the news feed and may be highlighted on the platform, in order to strengthen your credibility and reputation.

LinkedIn has a dedicated team of editors who select LinkedIn articles that will appear in the daily or weekly newsletters sent by LinkedIn via email to its members. This team selects content that they consider relevant and attractive in order to offer users quality publications that are likely to interest them.

How to Get Publish on LinkedIn Pulse?

You’ve probably noticed that the daily highlights you see in your LinkedIn news feed are personalized and more or less relevant to your interests. You also receive notifications about the latest publications in your industry. As well as notifications about new articles. When you publish content on LinkedIn Pulse, your connections will be notified and will allow you to increase the reach of your publications.

But how do you get your articles featured in Pulse’s highlights? All you have to do is publish quality articles on LinkedIn that are well-structured, well-reasoned, and have high added value, and that are likely to catch the attention of Pulse editors. You will encourage them to share your content on the platform and get you featured by thousands of people who can follow you, connect with you on LinkedIn, and of course visit your website if you have managed to interest them.

The Benefits of Publishing Content on LinkedIn

  • Build and develop an audience in a targeted manner linked to your markets and your expertise.
  • Develop your reputation by capitalizing on your expertise
  • Evolve your profile from simple member to that of recognized expert and subsequently to influencer status
  • Improve your SEO by the simple fact that your visibility on LinkedIn is much more important than on your website
  • Benefit from network notifications, linked to the fact that LinkedIn promotes quality content and allows you to develop your audience

Why LinkedIn Pulse will help you reach the right audience

LinkedIn’s relevance lies in the fact that members, by filling out their profile, have notified LinkedIn of their interests. Consequently, as soon as your article is well constructed, well written, relevant and offers real added value for your readers, its publication on LinkedIn Pulse will potentially reach more readers than on any other network. But beyond the quantitative aspect, you will above all generate a real qualitative gain, by reaching an audience relevant to your business, targeted and therefore potentially interested in your expertise and your offer.

You reach members of your network, customers and prospects, and especially all the people who share your interests. These are therefore potential leads and new relationships to start, by promoting engagement to go as far as signing.

As an image manages your content on LinkedIn Pulse

LinkedIn is definitely one of the best platforms you can use for blogging because it can help you increase your visibility, increase brand awareness, drive more traffic to your website, and create lots of connections that drive growth and profitability.

Autour de l’Image advises and supports you in developing your Content marketing strategy on Pulse, in order to capture your audience and maximize your conversion rate. We design with you a content strategy adapted to LinkedIn, advise you on the editorial line to adopt and develop a publication schedule. We produce on your behalf the content adapted to your objectives and publish it on your account. We constantly measure the effectiveness of our publications in order to create content adapted to your community and encourage its engagement.