How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job in 2023 – 15 Tips for Job

How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job

How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job in 2023 – Do you think you can find a job on linkedin ? Or are you one of those who think that looking for a job on the Internet and social networks are stories of the past? Do you want to know how to carry out an active job search on Linkedin Spain? In this 2016 updated article, I am going to give you a series of tips on how to look for a job on linkedin, as well as some ideas for an optimized job search on this social network.

we have seen that there are a series of steps that must be taken to succeed in this powerful tool and with it, achieve some of the great benefits that this platform provides us, such as searching employment.

Nowadays when we think about looking for work online, either through social networks or through job search portals, the first thing that comes to mind is looking for work on Linkedin for employment.

And that’s because this is a great job search tool, and you can use it in a comfortable, simple, and easy-to-use way. But, in order for you to improve your job search strategy on this professional platform, you must know some essential keys that allow you to gain visibility before the job recruiters of this tool.

Linkedin is, by far, the most used social network for job search at a national and international level, as well as a very powerful Networking tool . For this reason, it is very important that when you are actively searching for a job, you spend a lot of time getting a good base of quality contacts, which can generate the professional opportunities you so desire.

15 Tips on How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job in 2023

Some statistical data, from the report published by Adecco at the end of last year, shows the importance of Linkedin employment today.

Important Statistics About Employment on LinkedIn

  • More than half of the users on social networks acknowledge that one of the reasons why they are present on them is to look for a job;
  • 1 in 3 professionals in the world is on LinkedIn;
  • In Spain, 64% of users use LinkedIn employment, when looking for job offers;
  • 98% of recruiters use LinkedIn employment as the main tool for search and recruitment tasks;
  • Users who have several recommendations in their profile have double the chances of being contacted;
  • 80% of recruiters are guided by the positive comments that candidates have on their profile.

After this introduction and these data, are you clear that LinkedIn is much more than having an online resume ?

It is a very powerful tool to get a job. But, for that you have to be aware that creating and configuring a suitable profile and finding a job opportunity on this platform is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. That’s why I wanted to write this post with some tips that I think can help you get a job with this tool.

Guide on How to Use LinkedIn to Get a Job

Complete and optimize your profile

It is very important that you include as much relevant information as possible, both in terms of professional experience and aptitudes and abilities, in order to optimize your profile. You must detail your achievements or professional awards and the positions you have held in each company you have worked for.

It is also important that you choose a professional and appropriate photograph . Another trick in this section is to fill in the information about education, many people do not do it, since it allows you to connect with other users who have had contact with you in the past, and you never know who they know or if they are going to have a job at work. any position available.

Tip: Be brief, concise, and complete when describing the duties of each position. Enrich your profile with presentations, documents, photos of your achievements or awards, etc. Add everything that can make you stand out among the other profiles.

Improve the positioning of your profile to find a job

You have to ensure that when a recruiter looks for a professional like you, they find you. For that, you must follow a series of steps that will help you improve the positioning of your profile.

Improve the positioning of your profile in the search results in 5 steps

  • Complete the “Current” section

Never leave it blank, since it is one of the key points to position your profile in the search results and look for a job.

If the keyword that represents your position, for example, “ Community Manager ”, does not appear at this point, your profile will hardly appear among the first positions, and with this you will lose visibility and opportunities.

Tip: You should always complete this section with the position for which you would like to be found. Example, if you are looking for a ” Community Manager ” position , it is what you should put.

  • Place the keywords in the professional headline and in the professional post

Other sections where you should place the keywords since it will be the first thing users see when you appear among their search results or when they visit your profile.

Tip: Keep in mind that the profiles that have placed the keyword in these sections always appear first. Therefore, think very well what your keywords would be .

  • Put the keywords in other sections

It is highly recommended that you add these keywords in sections such as “Extract”, “Experience” or “Skills and Aptitudes”, so that they appear in various places on your profile. You can also ask people you trust to add your keywords when they write you recommendations.

As in other platforms in this social network, it is also important for positioning, apart from the place, the amount with which the keywords appear.

Advice: A minimum of 15 and a maximum of 35 keywords are recommended, in the entire profile, it is the best way to look for a job.

  • Place keywords in the “Websites” section

This is a little trick where you can place your keywords. In “Contact information” edit the section “websites” choose the option “Others” and in it you can place the keyword you want to position. It is another good way to get more keywords on your profile.

  • Include the cities in which you have worked

Another of the steps that you must complete is to include the cities in which you have worked and in which you reside, so that you appear more easily in searches by location.

Customize the URL of your profile

It is another of the tricks that you can use, since not all people do it. If you customize the url of your profile, it will be easier to remember.

Tip: You should, whenever possible, include your first and last name, as it will be easier to recognize you.

Complete the contact information

If you want to look for a job, it is important that you mention all the possible ways to find yourself on the Internet. You should include in this section an active email, your Twitter profile , your website or blog or your phone number, if you are looking for a job.

And leave it visible to “everyone”, as it will be highly beneficial when a recruiter wants to contact you.

Configure the privacy of your profile

If you want to find a job on Linkedin employment and you want to be found, the best thing you can do is leave your profile open, so that all users will be able to see the information on your profile. You have the possibility to hide some features of your profile such as the trail, the feed of your activity, etc.

Here are some tips to set up your profile when you’re looking for a job.

How to set the privacy of your profile when doing a job search

  • Who can see your activity feed

Your activity feed provides information about the activities we carry out on this platform, such as updates to your profile, the users or companies you follow, etc.

You can configure in a way to restrict who that information reaches. You have the option of “everyone”, “your contacts”, “your network” or “just you”.

Tip: Select “everyone” if you are looking for a job or select “only you” if you are working but looking for a job.

  • Who can see your profile picture

Nowadays, eye contact is very important, especially when looking for a job, and therefore the importance of having a good profile photo. But what’s the use of having a really good photograph if you then restrict who can see it.

Tip:  If you want to look for a job, allow “everyone” to see your photo, that way you will be able to humanize your profile.

  • Dissemination of your activity

If you activate the dissemination of your profile activity, it will appear in the activity feed and whoever you have decided in the previous section will see that information. If you disable it you will not have to worry about configuring the activity feed.

Tip: You should turn it on if you want to look for a job, and turn it off if you are working but still looking for work.

  • Who can see your network of contacts

There are two options: “Your Contacts” or “Only You”. My advice is that if you are looking for a job, allow everyone to see your professional network for greater visibility. Thus, other users can see who you interact with and that can open up new job opportunities for you.

  • Who can see your Trace

When you visit a profile you usually leave a trail of that activity and the person will know that you have visited. This is important to keep in mind when you go to search for a job, because many times we think that this is uncomfortable because we do not have privacy when visiting other profiles.

But if you want to find a job and you like a certain company, it is a good way to show interest and motivation for the position that company offers.

Tip: Whatever your situation, or if you want to look for a job, you should allow this option for maximum visibility.

Learn to look for a job well and save your searches

The search engine is possibly one of the best tools that LinkedIn provides us with employment, especially if you know how to exploit its possibilities to find more specific results, which will allow you to save a lot of time when looking for a job. For example, you can use this tool to search for people in your environment, sector, companies, location, etc.

Another of the features that few people use and that is highly recommended is saving the searches carried out and that will allow you to access them later and execute them without having to go through all the steps again.

Use applications to share content

They are a very good option to give a more visual and attractive touch to your profile. You can add content through applications such as your blog (WordPress), Slideshare presentations, profile, documents, create a Twitter list with LinkedIn contacts, Re.Vu, among many others.

Do not forget that if your profile is only text it will bore the visitor and they will most likely abandon your profile. Take advantage of these applications and highlight your profile on Linkedin employment if you want to look for work.

If you are looking for a job, work on the quality of your network of contacts

As in all other social networks, increasing the number of contacts is essential to reach more people. But it is important that you bet on the quality of your network of contacts, because it is useless to get many contacts, if they do not contribute anything later.

If you want to look for a job, you should work very well on this point and decide on those people who you think may be useful and with whom you can share interests or objectives. For this, I leave you some ideas:

5 Ideas to Get a Network of quality contacts

  • Follow the companies that interest you

Identify those companies in which you would like to find a job offer or those that are relevant in your sector, to be aware of their activity. With this, you will know when they will be in the personnel selection process.

  • “Recruit” your recruiters

It is a very good option to create contact with these important users when looking for a job. You should locate the “head hunters”, with the search engine, that you are interested in having in your contacts and invite them to be part of your Linkedin employment network.

  • Invite the Directors of companies that interest you

Another of the strategies that you can use to get quality contacts, well, nothing better than having the managers of the companies that you would like to work for so that they see your professional career and skills for themselves. It’s a good tactic when looking for a job.

  • Investigate the 2nd level of your network of contacts

With this you can define the route of common contacts that can bring you closer to the managers or companies that interest you. And if you manage to reach them, in a referenced way, it is very likely that you will be successful and quite possibly you will be able to network in a natural way.

  • Invite Referents in your sector

Referrals, as in other social networks, are always a very desirable target that we want to have in our network of contacts. It is not easy to get their contact, but if you do, you will be able to reach many more professionals in your sector and your profile will possibly appear in more searches. So don’t stop trying this strategy.

Locate the companies that use LinkedIn employment to recruit

When you go looking for a job on Linkedin employment, filter by “companies” that have active job offers on the platform to find out which ones you are interested in following. If you take this step, when these companies carry out selection processes, you will be among the first to find out.

You can carry out the search by creating filters by location, contact relationship, sector, etc. And with this, focus your job search on those companies that interest you the most.

Request recommendations

You can get recommendations naturally or by asking people you trust and have a professional relationship with. Do not forget that the more recommendations you have, the more credibility you will bring to your profile, since they are third parties who speak well of you, and recruiters usually like that a lot. A very valid option if you want to look for a job on this social network.

Find groups that interest you

And take advantage of its advantages, since participating in the appropriate groups is a good way to make yourself known, demonstrate your knowledge, allow you to keep up to date with developments in the sector, discuss with experts and a very good way to network. It is another very good option when looking for a job.

Ask to have your skills validated

A good way when looking for a job is to stand out in the skills that you include in your profile. A good way to achieve this is to first validate the skills of others and then ask them to validate yours.

Make your goals known and that you want to look for a job

If you don’t have a problem letting your contacts know that you are looking for a job or want to look for a job, you should mention it in your profile statement, as it will appear in the search results.

Another very interesting way is to tell your closest contacts and those people who you think could help you with some recommendation. And if you have lost your job, why not publish that status to publicize your new employment situation?

Who knows if with this, a job opportunity does not arise. If you want to look for work on Linkedin employment, these options are all very important that you take into account.

Take advantage of premium features

If what you want is to stand out as quickly as possible when you go looking for a job, this may be a good option. With this investment you will have access to more tools and functionalities. You can also have access to this option for free for a month, but to do so you must provide your billing information.

There are four different plans:

  • Job Seeker : it is used for those who want to stand out more in the search results of the platform. It costs €21.99 per month and allows you to send three InMail messages (those that are sent to users you are not in contact with), find out who has visited your profile in the last 90 days, etc.
  • Business Plus : for those who want to find specific people or improve their personal brand. It costs €44.99 per month and allows you to send ten InMail messages, perform unlimited people searches, have access to premium search filters, etc.
  • Sales Plus : for those who want to increase their business or use LinkedIn as a sales channel. It costs €44.99 per month and allows you to send ten InMail messages, create lead lists, receive customer recommendations, etc.
  • Recruiter Lite : for personnel recruiters. It costs €89.99 per month and allows twenty-five InMail messages and access to several specific tools for recruiters.

Dedicate time, it is the best way to look for a job

Having a suitable job Linkedin profile to look for a job implies many hours of dedication, because it is not just creating the account, then you will have to implement everything mentioned above and that takes time. That is why the success and effectiveness of your profile depend a lot on the hours and care you dedicate to it.


In this guide I wanted to share with you some of the tips and ideas that I believe are essential to know how to find a job  on Linkedin employment . Many times we think that this social media thing is just opening a profile, putting a cool photo and a nice description and with that it is enough to achieve results.

It’s a mistake, it’s not that easy. You have to know how to do it and where we have to pay more attention if we really want this social network to provide us with opportunities to find work.

I hope that the guide has been useful to you and that you can apply what you have learned when you carry out an active job search on this platform.