How to Add link to Tiktok Bio in 2023

how to add link to tiktok bio

How to Add link to TikTok Bio – Have you ever visited a link in someone’s bio, then the link took you to another page? This part of the link is called asingle link. Of the many short link providers,linktreeis the most widely used choice.

How to makea linktreeis also fairly easy and not limited to business needs.Well, if you are interested in finding out how to quickly create alinktree, make sure you read this article to the end, OK. Because the following article will review whatlinktreeis and its benefits.

What islinktree?

Linktree is a single linkservice provider where the link will have the appearance of awebsitecontaining simple buttons that lead to the site you want.Linktree isavailable in four types of plans and one of the packages can be accessed for free.

There are also three paid packages that you can try onlinktree, includingstarter, pro, and premium which cost from $24/month for Linktree Premium, $9/month for Linktree Pro, $5/month for Linktree starter, and $0/month for Linktree.

In thefreeplan , you canlinkunlimited links on your linktree page. While on the paid package, you can get more diverse features such as:

  • Analytics
  • Custom display
  • Redirect
  • Animation
  • Collect email and phone number data
  • Scheduling
  • Embed link

Not only for displaying several buttons containinglinks,linktreecan also be a medium for displaying social media accounts, QR codes,TwitchFromFacebookandYouTube, as well as a platform for displaying NFT works.

Linktree can be found quite a lot in the Tiktokbio of an account, but more than that,linktreecan also be used onTikToksocial media and can also be displayed on the information listed in thefooterwhen you sendan email. Because thislinkis very practical to use, it’s useful linktreecan also vary.


The simpleform oflinktreecan not only be used for business owners, there are many benefits oflinktreethat you need to recognize below.

1. Assets are more organized

Every business or individual certainly has an account on various social mediaplatforms .StartTikTok, Instagram, YouTube, FacebookandTwitter.

To be more organized and connected, you can collect all the links in thelinktree. For business owners, displaying various social media accounts on one page can increase user confidence to buy products or use your services.

In addition,linktreealso provides a similar advantage to individuals who want to display various links containing the portfolio they are working on. For example, for a writer, it is not uncommon for you to forget everything you have written.

You can use Linktreeto document the results of your best writing that has been published on the internet. By collecting the assets you have, you can manage these assets more optimally.

2. Analyzeengagementand clicks

One of the interesting and very useful features provided bylinktreeisanalyticswhich allows you to analyze how many people have clicked on thelinkand which link has been visited the most.

You can also use this to monitor which parts need to be evaluated from the linktree page .

For example, let’s say you want to bring auserwho enters thelinktreeto click a button to the product page that you have placed in the first position.

However, if it turns out that the number of users who visit the page is very less thanlinktreevisitors , then you need to evaluate whether the small number of clicks is due to interestingcopywriting, or for other reasons.

3. Get data from potential customers

The existence of a feature that can collect phone numbers and emails will be one source of data for potential customers which is certainly useful for a business. Users who enter a phone number andemailaddress.

It means they have an interest in the products you sell or the business you run. Users like this can make it easier for you to get transactions.

In addition, the collected data can also be used as material for your analysis regarding the interests of potential customers, age and even gender of potential customers.

Read Also: How to make a link in Tiktok Bio

How to add link to Tiktok bio

After understanding the benefits that you can get when you uselinktree, here’s an easy way to make alinktreethat you can practice.

1. Visit linktreeofficial website

The first step you can do is to visit the mainlinktreepage. Then, you can register or log in to the account that you have created. On the main page you can find various explanations about thelinktreeas well as page inspiration that you can imitate.

2. Register an account

If you don’t have an account yet, you can register by pressing the “Sign up free” button in the upper right corner of the main page.

When entering the registration page, you need to fill in theemail,password, andusernamefields for a link that can be shared later.

Usernamesmust be unique and different from those of others, for that you can check the symbols. If the symbol shows green, it means you can use thatusername. If it’s red, it means you need to find a newusernamethat has not been used by anyone else.

3. Choose a category

After filling in the fields during registration, you will be directed to choose what category you are interested in, for example,education, entertainment, food, fashion, tech,orlifestyle. In addition to categories, you will also be asked to fill in your name. If so, press ”Continue“.

4. Choose a subscription package

On the next page, you will be asked to choose a paid plan or a free plan. For paid plans, the package fee needs to be paid monthly. As for the free plan, you can choose it once for an unlimited time.

5. Edit in theadmin page

This is the last page, you are done and can set thelinktreeview as you want. Add the latestlinkwith the “Add new link” button then enter thetitleand URL. You can also explore othertemplateson the “Explore” button to find a selection of social media and other content.

6. Share yourlinktree link

Once you’ve finished putting together yourlanding page, you can now share thelinktreelink to all your social media. Keep managing and monitoring the development of yourlinktreeso that the results are more optimal.

That was an explanation of what alinktreeis to how to make asimplelinktreethat you can apply in your business. Not only that, if you want to display several portfolios that you have,linktreecan also be the right medium to collect them into one.

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