10 Key Benefits of Using a CRM System

Benefits of Using a CRM System

10 Key Benefits of Using a CRM System – Want a practical and efficient way to monitor your company’s sales processes? Then use a Customer Relationship Management system. In addition to recording results, there are a number of other benefits to using a CRM.

This system makes it easier to map the mistakes and successes of the commercial team’s strategy and, therefore, to know which leads convert the most.

With that in mind, we have gathered here the main advantages of this platform. In this article, you’ll see:

What is CRM?

The Customer Relationship Management system registers and organizes how potential customers contact your company’s prospecting team.

It presents a complete history of how the leads reached its base, that is, how they were converted from leads into opportunities, which approaches are most effective and what is the public profile.

With this, the seller is able to identify the company’s entire acquisition strategy and its relationship with the prospect, helping to make the best decisions to guarantee a greater amount of sales.

What are the main benefits of a CRM?

CRM is one of the digital marketing tools with the highest level of integration. With it, it is possible to integrate email, calendar and marketing automation software, in order to optimize salespeople’s time and bring more constant results to your company.

There are several benefits of using a CRM, so here are the top eight that this system can offer. Check out:

10 Key Benefits of Using a CRM System

1. Better sales control

The most obvious advantage of CRM is tracking the sales and purchasing behavior of each customer. You can find out, for example:

  • purchase frequency;
  • seasonalities;
  • analyze graphs and data, all to facilitate specific prospecting actions for different profiles of leads.

Thus, your commercial team knows the exact number of opportunities, buyers, leads that did not convert and the reason for each result.

This specific information is important to also quantify the leads that each salesperson was able to convert into customers.

In addition, the functionalities of CRM software help the team to understand which is the best service channel for each customer through history and reports.

2. Essential information in a single system

Another benefit of using a CRM is that it makes it easier to see both the sales overview and the detailed perspective. This contributes to the centralization of information in a single system, helping salespeople to access all the data they need to make contact with potential customers.

3. Improves customer relationships

In the CRM system, your team identifies actions such as, for example, when a customer downloads rich material (e-book) from your company and interacts with your emails. Identifying active customers (generally with profile A and B, those most likely to actually buy), is one of the main benefits of the system.

The better the relationship with this type of customer, the greater the chances of retaining this person and also making them a promoter of your brand.

Use CRM as a way to understand prospects’ needs, preferences, and habits. With the information available, your team can customize marketing and service.

4. Follow up with customers

Follow-up is directly related to improving customer relationships. This is because tracking offers made is an essential step to converting into a purchase.

The company needs to make contacts with a certain frequency with the leads so that they do not forget the offer. However, it is important to know which is the best approach for each type of customer to increase their purchasing potential.

By doing this constant follow-up, it is easier to identify which opportunities demand more time and effort from the team to sell and which generally do not give positive results.

5. Mapping of ineffective strategies

Is it important to know what works? For sure! But another essential action is to identify what doesn’t work. After all, this way the team knows exactly what not to repeat.

Therefore, mapping the negative results is also very valid for your company. Knowing the reasons that led the lead not to convert helps to know what should be corrected in the sales strategy. For example, one of the benefits of using a CRM is identifying:

  • weaknesses of your product or service;
  • mistakes in the sales script ;
  • features where the competition is better;
  • lead profiles that convert the least;
  • among other actions.

6. Time management

Due to the high demand for tasks that the sales team needs to perform, one of the best benefits of using a CRM is precisely the optimization of time management. This is because the system automatically records information and maps the salesperson’s successes, helping to increase productivity.

For example, with the CRM, your team knows how long it takes for a prospect to complete their purchase journey, that is, to become a lead, an opportunity, and then a buyer.

7. Consumer data and behavior

Digital marketing deals with a plethora of data, so a CRM system makes understanding it easier and more useful. In this way, it is possible to have a database with information that deciphers the consumer’s digital behavior .

As the store of information increases, the company is able to make decisions more quickly and thus predict how customers might act. That way you can choose the best marketing strategies.

8. Step by step to make more sales

Instead of creating sales scripts and strategies based on “guesses”, that is, what the company believes to be the way that brings the most results, with CRM you can be sure of what really works.

With the information available, your team can even draw up a step-by-step guide on how to present proposals and how to close more sales. Thus, negotiation becomes personalized for each client, as salespeople know exactly what to present and the best moment to act.

9. Increase in average ticket and upsell

Among the benefits of using a CRM is the possibility of increasing the average customer ticket. But how?

Generally, with this type of system, your commercial area can understand exactly what the consumer needs. This is because the data that the software generates allows for this deeper understanding. Consequently, your company can offer a higher offer.

Of course, it’s not enough to simply offer something for a higher price without first analyzing the person’s previous requests. It is essential to have arguments that make sense for that customer and show him that it makes sense for his scenario to perform an upsell.

With CRM, you can make sales that include complementary products and services that are really useful for your customer. As a result, the average ticket increases, as well as your billing.

10. Integrated Marketing and Commercial

Your company’s Marketing and Sales sectors must be very well integrated. That is, the areas need to relate deeply and create strategies that benefit customer acquisition. For example: a marketing campaign seeks to win more leads, which will be passed on to the sales team — if they are qualified prospects — who get in touch to close a deal.

The benefits of using a CRM in this process are fundamental, because they allow you to organize all the information from these leads in one place, understand their behavior, their preferences, among other data that will help the marketing team to create new, even more strategic campaigns and segmented.

How does a CRM help in the commercial routine?

We’ve already seen how important it is to have an organization and centralization of prospect and lead information, right? Well, this is fundamental to having a commercial team routine to generate more sales.

With the CRM, your team will have easy access to data that will allow you to carry out consultative sales tasks in a much more strategic way. Therefore, your sellers will be able to use this software to:

  • do the prospecting;
  • analyze this prospect;
  • put together a very persuasive commercial pitch based on their preferences;
  • present this pitch to the client;
  • carry out the follow-up;
  • contract stage — the legal area of ​​the company that is responsible for preparing the document, but it is important to have the commercial team together in this.

Now that you’ve seen the benefits of using a CRM to bring more results to your business, be sure to implement the software in your company.

With a CRM in hand, how about optimizing your marketing funnel, accelerating the sales process and engaging your lead base until they are ready to close a deal with your company? Meet Inbound Mestre and become a reference in the market with the right digital strategy for your company.