9 Best AI Detector Tools In 2024 [Free & Paid]

Best AI Detector Tools

Best AI Detector Tools – In an era where technology is developing rapidly, the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence is a breakthrough in the history of technological development.

From the beginning of the birth of AI until now, of course, it has experienced rapid development, ranging from simple AI in computing to more complex robotics. One AI that is currently popular is a text generator orAI Content Generatorwhich is widely used. Moving on from there, the AI ​​Detector tool also appeared as an AI that is opposite to the AI ​​text generator.

Is AI Content Detector Important?

AI Text Generator was born because of the need for content, especially in the world of digital marketing. For many companies that submit digital marketing, content is one of the essential things in their operations.

The process of creating this content is considered quite difficult by many companies because it requires a large number of members and various conditions such as meeting SEO and SEM standards where the content created must rank top in search engines and can increasewebsite traffic.

Moving on from the reasons above, text generatorsoftwarehas started to appear , which is widely used bycopywriters, content writerstofreelancewriters as a tool that helps the process of writing articles on company blogs.

It is undeniable that using thesetoolscan increase the productivityof content writersin completing articles. Reporting from a survey conducted bythe Content Marketing Institutein 2022, 38% of writers who don’t use AI take 3-4 hours to write 1 article. While 38% of writers who use AI only need 2-3 hours for the same task.

That way, writers who use AI can create more articles and faster than those who don’t use AI. That way, the digital marketing team, especially the content team, can reallocate resources to other areas of the SEO strategy or business.

However, using AI to create articles can damage a company’s brand and waste company resources. Especially because AI-generated articles can be inaccurate with repetitive content or are similar to other content with familiar themes that eventually fall into the category of plagiarism.

Therefore companies must always ensure that the published content is original content with its own uniqueness. To overcome this problem, the AI ​​Detector tool is here which is used as opposed tothe AI ​​Text Generator.AI Detector Toolsaretoolsused to detect whether content or articles contain AI-made content.

The AI ​​Detector toolusesmachine learningand natural language processing to determine whether a human created the content.Machine learningis a computer system that gets smarter with every query or search it executes. Whereas natural language processing is a computer program that understands human language.

With the ability of AI to evaluate all information on the web with a certain content topic in seconds, AI can also easily determine whether the content is man-made or not.

Best AI Detector Tools

There are many tools that you can use to help with the article writing process. Here are some detector tools starting from the best, namely:

Content At Scales

Content at Scale (CAS) is anAI Detector toolthat has a unique AI detector. CAS will give a decision within seconds after you input the content to be checked. What makes it unique is the ability to display a “human content score” which is made up of a mix of “predictability, probability, and pattern” scores.

This explains a bit about why CAS considers the content to be generated by AI such as because the content is too predictable, has a high probability, or has a pattern that can be imitated. Ultimately, CAS provides moreinsightinto which content views are suitable and provides suggestions to top search engine rankings.


ZeroGPT is a Free and revolutionary tool to detect if a text was written by an AI tool like Chat GPT or by a human or even a mix of content. ZeroGPT, based on the DeepAnalyse™ Technology developed by our experts, is very reliable with a tested accuracy rate up to 98% which makes ZeroGPT the most advanced and powerful ChatGPT detector.


Writer is a tool that helpscopywritersstructure and polish their writing with grammar suggestions, tone recommendations, plagiarism checker, and its own AI content detection tool that makes it easy to detect what content AI might generate.

Users can add or copy URLs and paste text into their fields. After clicking “Text Analysis”, the platform will provide the percentage of AI-generated detected in the article.


Copyleaks is a freeAI Detector toolthat can detect a wide variety of AI-based content, including content generated by ChatGPT, GPT3, Humans, AI & Humans, and more.This toolalso has a Chrome Extension, which can detect AI content on the page you are browsing.

Ai Detector Pro

AI Detector Pro is a powerful tool designed specifically to identify content created by AI. It specializes in detecting AI-generated text produced by algorithms based on GPT-3 technology.

To begin using AI Detector Pro, you can easily sign up for a free account on their platform and input the content you wish to examine. The tool will then generate a comprehensive analysis and report for the submitted text. A notable feature is its ability to highlight sections that are likely generated by AI, which is immensely useful.

GPT Zero

GPT Zero is anAI Detector toolthat is mostly used in education and business with more than 1 million users. GPT Zero’s interface is almost similar to the Google homepage, in that there isn’t much content on it, making it easy to use. However, there are many other platforms that have more advancedfeatures than GPT Zero.

Read Also: How to become an Artificial Intelligence Specialist?

Originality. AI

Originality.AI is anAI Detector toolin the form of a Google Chrome extension, which makes the review process easy and fast because there is no need to go through thecopy paste process.Although there is a free version, thistoolalso has a paid version which is more complete with features.

Kazan SEO

Kazan SEO is anAI Detector toolthat is suitable for beginners who are just learning about SEO. The tool offers a suite of features, including keyword groups, content optimization, text extraction, AI content generator, and most importantly, AI content detection.


Crossplag is an AI-generated content detectiontoolthat works in much the same way as othertoolsin general, namely pasting some text into a column on the screen and clicking the blue “Check” box. Then, it will give an overall rating on the originality of the content.

This tool has a thermometer scale chart that shows how fake the article is. If the thermometer stays green, it means it was man-made. If it’s towards the red side, it means it’s made by AI.

Corrector Apps

Corrector Apps is anAI Detector toolthat is not very well known when compared to othertools .This toolis a free tool that has a capacity of 300 words and is suitable for checking short content in a short time. Apart from checking AI production, thistoolis also used to check forgrammatical errors.


So, that was an explanation ofthe AI ​​Content Detector Toolsas well as some examples of thetools. This tool is here because of the widespread use ofAI Text Generatorto create content bycopywriters, content writers, etc.

Usingthe AI ​​Text Generatorcan reduce the time spent creating an article. However, AI-generated content is more susceptible to plagiarism. Then, a more important factor to keep in mind in creating articles, is originality and compliance with SEO standards.

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