15 Best Live Streaming Apps for Android in 2024

Best Live Streaming Apps for Android

Best Live Streaming Apps – In today’s modern era, almost everyone has and uses a smartphone or smartphone. Smartphones really help every user, from accessing the internet, and watching movies online, to even doinglive Streaming.

Live streaming is live on the scene at that time directly /live. Usually, this is done by artists who do live streaming to see their daily lives. However, to do a live Streaming you don’t need to be an artist, you know.

Best Live Streaming Apps

The reason is if you are asmartphoneuser , you can also do live streaming like artists. You can show yourfollowerswhat you are doing in real time. Here the Techjustify team recommends the best live streaming application that you can try.

Instagram live

Who doesn’t know this application for uploading photos and uploading videos? Almost everyone has an Instagram account to uploadcurrentphotos and their photo creations. However, apart from being able touploadphotos and videos, Instagram has completed its features with the addition of theVideo Live Streamingfeature .

Live on Instagramis quiteboomingamong various kinds of Instagram users, especially for young people today. You can immediately make videos and be watched by yourfollowers. Apart from that, yourfollowerscanlikeand alsocommentwhile you are doingVideo Live Streaming.

Interested in trying one of the best live streaming apps on this one?Download on the Google Play Storeto install the Instagram application .

Facebook live

Coming again from the well-known social media application in world, namely Facebook. Not wanting to be outdone by Instagram,Facebookis a social media application that is used forchatting, sharing photos and videos, so updatingthestatus complements the application by adding theFacebook Livefeature .

Facebook Livewas first launched in America for apps on iOS and Android in 2016. However, nowFacebook Livecan be enjoyed by every Facebook user. With this feature, Facebook users often do Live streaming.

How to use it is very easy, you simply pressthe status buttonlike you would write a status on Facebook, then press the“live video” symbol.Now, after that press“Go Live.” However, before that you can write a description of yourlivestreamingvideo first.

YouTube live

So, for this one application, it is also very familiar to the ears ofsmartphoneusers , especially for those of you who like to watch videos via YouTube. The YouTube app has also added its features withYouTube Live Streaming.

YouTube Live Streamingcan only be done on a PC or computer device only. Before you doYouTube Live Streaming, you must first have aYouTube account.After you have an account, then you can do livestreaming.

In this YouTube Live Streamingfeature , you can schedule when you willlive stream. Apart from that, you can also choose who can watch yourlive stream. You can also insert ads in yourlive streamfor extra income. Want to try one of the best live streaming apps ?


ZOOMis one of the most popular online meeting apps. This app can be used by everyone from all walks of life, including students and business people. With convenience and adequate features, ZOOM has been downloaded millions of times on the Play Store.

ZOOM is free to use. Users can upload up to 100 audience members to their online meeting. This app is also equipped with facilities for sharing messages,files, images, and links.

For your information, the free version of the ZOOM service only providescallsfor 40 minutes. You may consider subscribing to a paid service to enjoy all of ZOOM’s features without limits.

Skype For Business

Skype is one of the most popular internet-based communication tools in the world. Apart from personal use, Skype can also be a reliable communication app for business people by using the Skype Meeting Streaming feature available in theSkype for Businessversion .

Skype Meeting streaming allows you to schedule, create, and Streaming meetings or events to anonlineaudience of up to 10,000 participants.

So if you have a large audience and want to streaming something important about your business, Skype Meeting streaming can help. FYI, now Skype for Business has merged with Microsoft, you know.

TikTok live

TikTok is one of the very popular short video sharing services. TikTok provides a variety of video editing tools and features that have made it popular in many parts of the world. In addition, TikTok also provides a live streaming feature called TikTok LIVE.

TikTok LIVE allows users and creators to interact in real time. However, there is an age limit for this feature. Users aged 16 and over can launch LIVE and users aged 18 and over can send and receive gifts when doing LIVE.

TikTok LIVE can be used not only to spread information or entertainment. Not infrequently, users who sell on the TikTok Shop also use this feature to promote their products.

Twitch live

Twitch is a multiplayer live streaming app forgamesande-sports. Since the industry in question is so popular right now, it’s no wonder that Twitch has been downloaded more than 100 million times on the Play Store.

Through Twitch, users can watch livestreaming gaming videos, e-sports, and any IRL Streaming on Android devices.Twitch Viewers makes it easy for its users tostreamMMO RPG, strategy, and FPS games for PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

This app has three main features. Firstly, users can watchgamersplay Minecraft, Fortnite, PUBG, FIFA 18, League of Legends and many more. Second, there islive chatduring play anything,e-sports, and IRL Streaming . Finally, Streaming your owngame content!If you want to try,download the app on the Google Play Store.

Bigo Live

Another live streaming app comes from an app called Bigo Live. This app is alive streamingvideo application that has an interestinghost.

Bigo Live, so one of the best live Streaming apps , has received quite a lot of positive responses among internet users. In this application, many users dolive streamingvideos such as cooking, channeling their talents and hobbies, and even making tutorials.

Bigo Live users come from various countries such as Thailand, Vietnam and other Asian countries. Come on,download Bigo Live on the Google Play Storeto start using it.


Tango is an interactivelive streaming platform for instant communication and new friends. This application is very popular in the Play Store with more than 100 million downloads with a goodrating .

Besides being famous, Tango users can also make money from theirlive streamingactions . Users can meet people from all over the world and showcase their lively talents with Tango.

Tango users can play live games, share cooking recipes, showcase new music, or show off their singing skills – and exchange gifts from fans for real money!

Meanwhile, viewers can follow their favorite Streamers and chat with them live. They can also give gifts to show support and become VIP viewers to gain special status.Get Tango on Google Play Store.


Nonolive is one of the best live Streaming apps today. This application provides or broadcasts various kinds of entertainment with the majority of itshostsbeing women. This application also often provideslive streaming game services.

Uniquely, in one of the best live Streaming applications , a host or application user can collect prizes or so-calledvirtual giftsgiven byfollowers.

These virtual giftscan be exchanged for real money and will be exchanged directly from the Nonolive application. Unique isn’t it? Interested in trying one ofNonolive’slive Streaming apps ?


PRISM Live is an application that you can rely on to do live Streaming . The application is not a place tolive, huh. PRISM Live isa platformthat you can connect with other applications such as YouTube, Twitch or Instagram.

Then, what is the main function of PRISM Live? The answer isto enhancethe video for your live Streaming . When we try to run the application, there are useful features such aslive,video, andphoto.The livefeature can be used when you want to do live Streaming easily. To make the video even cooler, there are effects and filters that can be applied immediately.

Well, other features such as video andphotosfunction to produce video recordings and photos with good quality. In this feature there are also various filters and effects, all you have to do is choose according to your needs.

For us, the interesting thing about this application is not just the features mentioned earlier. There is another very useful feature if you want to maintain privacy whenlive.Yup, take advantage of the VTuber feature on PRISM Live.

This feature will turn your face into an avatar. Unfortunately, when we tried, there was no option to set or modify this avatar.

There are still many other PRISM Live features that you can try out. If you are curious, pleasedownload PRISM Live on the Google Play Store.


Chametwill introduce you to many people. Not only users who come from the same region or country, but also from abroad. Like live Streaming applications in general, on Chamet you can broadcast live easily. Later, of course, your live Streaming will be watched by fellow users.

Well, you are also given the freedom to find friends on Chamet by watching other userslive .Or, if you want to get more connections, Chamet Party is available. This is a specialroomcontaining many Chamet users. Usually, the Party will be led by the user who isthe host. If you get bored chatting, there isa roomavailable to playgameswith fellow users, you know.

Chamet enforces a coin system for users. These coins can be obtained in various ways. One way is to receiverandomvideo or voice calls . When we used the app, a few random calls came in. So, if the call is received and you chat with other users, the coins you get from this activity can reach 300’s.

A little note, if you want to use Chamet, make sure you are old enough. In this application, sometimes there is content that isinappropriateand not suitable for underage users.

REALITY-Avatar Live Streaming

Next up, there’s REALITY – Avatar Live Streaming. This live Streaming application is somewhat unique, because you can use it without requiring a real identity. Yes, inREALITY – Avatar Live Streamingdoesn’t involve your real face, instead it will ‘conjure’ you into an anime character. Of course, other users also appear as anime characters.

In the application, each user can joinlivefrom other users, both popular andnewbie. Inlive, thehostcan determine any topic, including just to vent without worrying that the true identity will be leaked.Like most other liveapplications , users can givegifts, comments, or even like other users’lives.

So far, the app is very comfortable to use. If you want to find friends, or just chat withstrangers from the internet, then this application is for you to try. Do not forget, in it there are many excitinggamesthat can be tried. The application is intended for those of you who are aged 18+, yes.



YouNow is alive streamingvideo chatapplication that has been downloaded more than 10 million times on the Play Store. With this application users can interact withlivestreamingbroadcasters and go live to connect with the audience.

Some of the features offered by YouNow includeExploreto explore live video Streaming and catch up on what’s missed in theMomentsfeed ,Broadcastto startlive streaming, andInteractto chat with Streamers, buybarsto send gifts to capture your favorite Streaming moments.

There’s also aDiscoverfeature where you can find your favorite creators, artists, musicians, personalities, and even new friends! If you are interested in trying YouNow,download the app on the Google Play Store.


Hakuna Streaming

Want to find a live Streaming application for fun? Try installing Hakuna on your cellphone. This is an application where you can find someone to chat with. Hakuna has a search feature that is equipped withkeywords. So, please search for thelivetype or category you want.There are livecategories that discuss music, movies, chats about psychology, andrandomtalks .

All of theseroomshave their respectivehosts .You can also create your ownroomandhostit. Relax, here youdon’thave to show your face, really. If yourlivebecomes popular, there is a chance to becomethe hostof the month, you know.

When the techjustify team tried, we couldn’t find any ‘adult’live or anything like that.Average is just for fun only. Want to try?Download Hakuna on Google Play Store.

So, those are the 15 best live Streaming apps that you can try. Each application has features with interesting effects in it. Which is your favoritelive broadcast application?Come on, tell us through the comments column below.

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