15 Best Secret Messaging Apps for Android and iPhone in 2023

Best Secret Messaging Apps

Best Secret Messaging Apps – One of the imperatives of the digital world in this third millennium seems to be user privacy. In fact, more and more people want (rightly) to safeguard their personal data, without these being disclosed to third parties. For this very reason, today I want to tell you about thebest secret chat apps.

Best Secret Messaging Apps

These instant messaging applications, in fact, have an edge over the competition. In addition to guaranteeing simple and customizable communication, they give users the possibility to communicate anonymously and in total secrecy with their smartphones, tablets and PCs, their conversations being encrypted in a more complex way. But let’s proceed calmly.

Best secret chat apps

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a bit of the whole world has lost faith in what were called the “Institutions of the digital world”. Discovering that giants like Facebook can be weak on the privacy side was a shock that negatively influenced users’ perception of this world.

Secret chats can partially remedy this problem, especially if they areend-to-end encryptedand offer the option to sendself-destructing messages. Although this method cannot in most cases also be applied to social networks, it puts a huge price on one of the most used features by users from all over the world, i.e. real-time communication with the smartphone.

So, if you want to find out which are the best secret chat apps, you won’t have to work hard. In this article, I’m going to show you all the best alternatives I’ve tracked down and break them down by specific criteria to make it easier for you to navigate. Just give me a few minutes of time and you won’t regret it.

Anonymous conversation app without number

The first rung I’m going to address today, is that ofnumberless anonymous conversation apps. In this way, in fact, you will have the possibility to communicate with anyone, even a stranger, without necessarily having to provide your telephone number.

I will therefore offer you the best secret chat apps currently available, with particular attention to their reliability and how they work.


Wikris an application that is little known to the general public, but which has immediately gained great success among entrepreneurs, celebrities and politicians. Available for Android, iOS, Windows and Linux, this software promises to protect users’ personal data in a very convincing way.

In fact, Wikr uses a multilayer encryptionsystem that combines theAES256andECDH521methods , without also saving the conversations on the server, thus avoiding exposing the messages to possible dangers.

Each sent message features atimer, which can run for up to six days, after which it will self-destruct. In addition to this feature, you can start any conversation without showing your number, but using only anick name.

The development team places great emphasis on the security of this application and has even raffled off a $100,000 prize for anyone who can prove serious flaws in the app’s security. If you are interested in trying Wikr, you can download it for free for all supported devices via theofficial site.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messengeris another great alternative to chat without a phone number, available for free for all platforms. In fact, the Facebook chat, which you surely already know well, allows you to send messages by displaying only your profile name.

During the registration process, if you have not yet completed it, you could choose not to register your phone number, thus using yourFacebook emailas the only contact .

Again, which most users don’t know, you can use Messenger secret chats tosend messages which will then automatically delete themselves. Just use his incognito conversations. Follow thededicated guidefor more information.

You can use Facebook Messenger directly from your web browser, or you can download the application for Android or iOS, respectively from the Play Store or the App Store. In both cases, when you register, remember to ignore the request for your phone number.


For some time now, Instagram has also been making its own integrated chat available to users which takes the name ofDirect Message. With this method of communication, if you haven’t used it, you can send messages to all social media subscribers without showing your phone number.

Just like for Facebook Messenger, in fact, only theaccount connected to the Instagram profileis used to start a chat , thus basing the registration on youremail address. In this way, even if you talk to a stranger, they will never have a way of tracing your phone number.

Instagram DM is available directly within the application for Android and iOS, by pressing on thepaper airplaneat the top right. Alternatively, for the most demanding users, you can download the stand-alone version directly from the App Store or Play Store.

Self-destructing messaging apps

A little while ago I showed you Wikr, asecret chat app with self-destructing messages. However, you must know that there are dozens of applications of this type around the web, although the others require the telephone number to work.

To save you the trouble of trying them all, in the next few paragraphs I’ll show you the best ones I’ve found for you.


Telegramis a real must-have among timed messaging apps. Used by millions of users all over the world, this application is particularly appreciated for its security, considered to be significantly superior to WhatsApp.

Among the best features of Telegram,secret conversationsshould certainly be mentioned . In fact, this type of conversation allows you to send messages to other users that are automatically deleted, giving the user the option of setting a timer.

To start a secret chat on Telegram, all you have to do is go to the card of thecontactyou want to talk to and select theSecret chatoption . From here on, everything you send will be protected by higher level security systems than normal chats. For more information on this, read the dedicated tutorial that I have already written.

However, if you don’t use Telegram yet, you could download the app for free from the respective digital stores for Android and iOS. Keep in mind, however, that the telephone number will be mandatory during registration. Instead, subsequently, you will be able to use Telegram without a number from any device, be it a mobile phone, a tablet or a PC. More details can be foundhere.


Do you rememberSnapchat? This is in fact an application halfway between a social network and a chat, used above all by teenagers and based on photos and short videos. One of the advantages of Snapchat is precisely the possibility of sending self-deleting messages to other users, in such a way as to make the chats secret.

Tosend a secret message on Snapchat , you’ll need to select atimeragain . But be careful: this option is set by default to delete the messageimmediately after viewing. If, on the other hand, you wantto extend the timer, you will have to choose the relevant option.

In case you want to try this application, you can download it for free for both Android and iOS via Play Store or App Store.

App per chat ENCRYPTED

An additional factor of security when communicating with someone is represented byencrypted conversations. In fact, this type of conversation is transmitted encrypted and only the two users have the key to decrypt it. Currently, this is the safest method to communicate without being spied on.

In addition to the secret chat apps I presented to you earlier, which are also encrypted, I want to introduce you to some really interesting alternatives.


Worldwide, 1.5 billion users useWhatsAppdaily . But how many of them know what the real characteristics of the instant messaging application are? WhatsApp is in fact one of the encrypted chat apps that has introduced a concept of extended privacy, making user conversations indecipherable.

In fact , end-to-end encryptionis used on WhatsApp . This means that only the two interlocutors can see the messages in the conversation unencrypted. If you could hypothetically view the chat from the outside, without having the reading key, you would only see a meaningless mass of numbers and letters.

Learn more about WhatsApp encryption down here . However, keep in mind that there are many ways to spy on WhatsApp, as I told you in the detailed guide .

However, in case you’re not using WhatsApp yet, but you always rely on good old SMS, I suggest you think about this application. You can download it for free from the official stores for both Android and iOS.


Viberalso falls into the category of best secret and encrypted chat apps. This application, present in the stores for some time, is less used than the more famous alternatives, but brings with it a good dose of functionality and security.

Like WhatsApp, Viber also usesend-to-end encryption, effectively preventing strangers from reading the contents of your conversations. In fact, even using apps for sniffing the local network, such as WireShark, they would only display a meaningless alphanumeric series. Similarly, like Telegram, Viber is also heavily used for video calls.

If you want to try this application, all you have to do is go to your reference store and download the Android or iOS version.


Signalis universally recognized as one of the most secure instant messaging applications among those present in the digital landscape. In fact, the encryption present within the service is more advanced than the others and covers both messages and calls, leaving no room for intrusion to possible attackers.

Despite these details, Signal hasn’t been too successful. This is mainly due to the poor visibility of the application, over which users have preferred solutions such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

In any case, if you intend to try Signal, you can download the application for free directly from the App Store or Play Store.


Silenceis a slightly different application than the ones I’ve shown you up to now. It is in fact a service that encryptsSMS and MMS messages, effectively replacing the messaging app on your smartphone, be it Messages, FB Messenger, iMessage or another.

Silence is an uncommon service, but it has been present in the digital world for a long time. This is the best solution for those seeking security even with traditional messages, without necessarily having to use WhatsApp or Telegram.

If this application has intrigued you, I tell you right away that you can download it for free only on Android.

Anonymous chat app

If you are interested insecret and anonymous chat apps, you should know that various alternatives have been developed on the net, which allow you to talk to a complete stranger without having to reveal your identity or your real name.

Chat Incognito bot

Incognito Chatis one of the most popular Telegram bots. This means that it is not a standalone app, but an add-on to be used within your instant messaging application.

Tostart the Incognito Chat bot, all you have to do is visitthis pageand press the blueOpen in Telegrambutton . Once the application is open, press theStartbutton and enter the data necessary for registration, such as language and age.

At this point, all you have to do is tap onNew chatand wait for it to be matched with a random user. So you can talk to random people without revealing your identity.

I want to clarify that, although Telegram knows your mobile number,it will not reveal it to any of the participants. Nor will your username be revealed. However, you will always have to go through that bot so that you can always talk secretly on Telegram in incognito mode.


Cyphis also a great application for encrypted conversations. In fact, this free service, available for Windows PC, Ubuntu/Linux and macOS, allows you to chat with anyone without registration and in a totally encrypted and anonymous way through alink.

To generate an anonymous chat, just go to theonline tool and press theStart new Cyphbutton in the top bar . In a few seconds, a link will be created, which you will need to send to the person you plan to chat with.

One of the strengths of Cyph is undoubtedly that all files and messages sent are subject toencryption. Therefore images, videos, photos, voice messages, documents and much more will not be visible to others, if not only to your interlocutor.

Anonymous file sharing app

The last topic I want to cover today is the integration of secret chat apps, i.e.free online sites for sharing files anonymously.

Thanks to these services, in fact, you will be able to transfer files, even large ones, in a secure, anonymous, without registration and fast way.

To Volafil

Volafileis a really interesting service to send files anonymously. Once connected to theofficial site, just press theCreate Roombutton to open a virtual room where you can chat and share your files with certain users (which you add).

Inside the newly created room, you will find on the right thelinkto invite other users. One of Volafile’s most interesting features is undoubtedly the ability tosend files up to 20 GB that will self-destruct after two days.


GoFileis also a great anonymous file transfer service, which allows users to upload and then share files while remaining completely anonymous. In fact, to use the web page, you will not need to create an account, unless you wish to do so.

To upload the file, all you have to do is connect tothis addressand press theUpload Filebutton to then send thelinkthat will be generated to the other users. GoFile, however,does not set space limitsand the download speed will be the maximum guaranteed by your connection.

Firefox Send

Do you know Mozilla Firefox? You must know then that the company behind this application does not only deal with browsers, but also deals with web services.Firefox Send, which you can find atthis address, is in fact a web page for sending files anonymously that can be used by anyone completely free and anonymously, even without registering.

Just press onSelect file to uploadto upload documents, videos or images with a maximum size of1 GB. Alternatively, if you decide toregister, the maximum file size will increase to2.5GB. Once uploaded, you can share your files vialinks, as with the other services seen up to now. Further information can be found in thededicated tutorialthat I have already published.


The last app to send anonymous files that I want to introduce you, is calledUploadfiles.ioand you can find it onthis website. Once you reach the home page, you will find yourself in front of a dotted bar, where you will have to drag the file to upload.

The strong point of this service is undoubtedly the ability tosend and download files without any speed limit. As for thesize, however, the limit is set at5 GBfor a single upload.

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