
Laravel vs CodeIgniter

Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is better PHP Framework?

Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is better PHP Framework? – Currently, the programming language is growing with many frameworks. In the PHP programming language, there are two frameworks that are popular today, namely Laravel and CodeIgniter. Both frameworks certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each. But first, you need to know about Laravel vs CodeIgniter. Therefore, let’s look at the following

Laravel vs CodeIgniter: Which is better PHP Framework? Read More »

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp in 2023 Comparison: Which is better?

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp in 2023 Comparison: Which is better – The popularity of well-known emailing platforms like Mailchimp and Sendinblue is well established. Indeed, these are the two most popular references by advertisers on the market. Each of them has its advantages and shortcomings and it becomes difficult to decide between them.  A complete comparison is therefore necessary in

Sendinblue vs Mailchimp in 2023 Comparison: Which is better? Read More »

What is SaaS Marketing?

What is SaaS Marketing?

What is SaaS Marketing? – Literally translated from English by Software as a Service or simply Software-Service, SaaS (Software as a Service) is part of Cloud Computing, a universe that we must understand to better assimilate the SaaS principle. But to make it simpler, SaaS can be defined as hosted software that the user can access

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