How to Install Whatsapp Web For PC Windows 10 & Mac m1 Easily – Do you want to use WhatsApp directly from your computer, without having to download any software?
There is no problem, we will help you! Here we will show you how to install WhatsApp Web on your computer.
WhatsApp Web is a web service that allows you to access your Whatsapp conversations directly from the browser on your PC. But let’s see how to do it right away.
How to Install Whatsapp Web on PC & Mac m1

To install WhatsApp web, we must first take our Android smartphone, perform a series of operations, and then operate from our PC. But let’s see the operations to be done in detail:

The first thing we are going to do is open WhatsApp on our Android phones. Then click on the three dots at the top right and then on ” WhatsApp Web “.
Once in the new screen, click on the “+” symbol (or OK ), and we will see the QR Code box appear.
Now we open our favorite browser (I use Google Chrome), in the search bar we type “WhatsApp Web ” and click on the first result or this link:
Install WhatsApp Web on the PC Windows 10 and Mac m1
Once on the screen, we point your mobile phone, with the QR Code receiver activated, at the QR Code of the page just opened.
Once the QR Code is framed, a new page will automatically open with all your WhatsApp Chats
You can immediately go and write messages, and send voices, but, unlike the mobile version, you will not be able to upload statuses or make calls or video calls

What you can do is write messages, send attachments, and sendfiles you have on your PCdirectly and without having to go through them first on your smartphone.
This last function is the one that is undoubtedly most used to facilitate the work of transferring files between devices. Once finished, all you have to do is close the browser and that’s it!
Well, we showed you How to Install Whatsapp Web For PC Windows 10 & Mac m1 Easily, without having to install any software. We hope we have been of help, bye and see you next time!
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