How to Set up & Create Instagram Shop

Create Instagram Shop

How to Set up & Create Instagram Shop – With an Instagram Shop it is possible to increase sales and maximize profits: here’s how to open a shop on the platform and incentivize purchases

How to Set up & Create Instagram Shop

Using social media to increase sales is one of the reasons that led most companies tostrengthen their presence on the web, to invest resources for the development of social media marketing strategies ,and for the creation of advertising campaigns. To meet this need, Instagram offers a feature that allows sales directly on the platform: Instagram shop.

Instagram Shop is the perfect tool for all realities thatwant to reach new customersand conclude sales without limits dictated by geographical distance. Through photos, videos and stories it is possible to offer users an interactive and simplified shopping experience.

1. Instagram Shopping: All the elements

Before starting to create your own shop on the web and allow customers to be able to buy through the Instagram Shop, you needto know all the elementsthat make it up. Several functions of the platform can be used to show products to customers in the most captivating and engaging way.

The shop is the page where all users canview the products soldand explore all the published content. It must be meticulously detailed and well organized so that customers can quickly find what they need.

The purchase is made directly on Instagram. Users will not be forced to exit the platform to access a website.When the quantity of products sold is relatively large or there are multiple categories of goods,it is a good idea to use collections. They are virtual containers within which contents can be organized according to specific themes.

The characteristics of the goods sold can beviewed on the product detail pages, which provide relevant information about the items in the catalog.

For example, prices, sizes, wearability, materials and descriptions are indicated. Products can be tagged within images and videos: the user just needs to click on thetagto receive more information and proceed with the purchase.

2. Shopping on Instagram: how to create a shop

Tocreate a shop on Instagramit is necessary toopen a company profileon the Meta platform. On the Instagramhomepage, click on the item ‘Sign up’, enter the telephone number or e-mail address, your name and surname, the desired username and the password to be used for access.

Follow the wizard, adding the date of birth and entering the code sent to the email address or phone number. Once you have created the account and entered the Instagramhomepage, click on the user icon at the top and right and press first on ‘settings’ and then on ‘Switch to an account for professionals’.

Describe your business and continue with the wizard tofinish the conversion. You need to confirm that the Instagram profile is a business orcreatoraccount and link it to the company’s Facebook page. After creating orconverting the company profile,you need to apply to Instagram to open the shop.

Click on ‘Dashboard for professionals’, ‘Set up Shopping on Instagram’ and ‘Get started’. At this point, you can link a catalog.To add the catalog click on ‘New Catalog’. Articles can be entered from the company’s website oran external partner website can be used.

You can select from Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, and WooCommerce.Proceeding with the configuration , the accepted payment methodmust be chosen to complete the purchases.

You have to select the sales channels: the shop can be available on Instagram, on Facebook Shop or on both platforms.

Instagram, before making the shop active and visible to all users, will reserve the right toanalyze the company profileand the opening request to check that the activity complies with the established terms.

It is good to consult the sales eligibility requirements in advance, verify that the company domain is owned and that you are among the markets supported by the platform.

3. Instagram Shop: how to maximize sales on the social network

Growing sales with Instagram Shopping isn’t enough to just create your own social media store, add products, and show them in stories and reels.

Youhave to take the utmost care of what you publish,making sure that the catalog contains all the information that a potential customer needs to have on the articles proposed by the company.

It is good to create a single catalog andfill in all the required fields, such as product name, description, prices and product category.

The inventory must be accurate in terms of item availability. It is advisable to add at least four photos or a quality video, which will attract the curiosity of users.

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Instagram allows companies to report any discounts and promotions: users, aware of the savings they can face, will be encouraged to proceed with the purchase.

By inserting the attributes of the items, more information about the product is provided, such as color, size, weight, shipping and payment methods.

By usingtags, you significantly increase the likelihood that the company’s offer will reach as many people as possible.

It is necessary to insert them in image and video posts and, when the user clicks on them, they will be able to view more information. If interested, you can proceed with the purchase very easily.

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