7 Instagram Story Hacks You Can Use in 2023

7 Tricks for Instagram Story Hacks 2022

7 Tricks for Instagram Story Hacks 2022 – As we have already discussed in other articles, mastering the Instagram story is essential if we want to succeed on this social network, capture visits, and new followers.

However, despite being one of the main tools of the app, it is likely that, on more than one occasion, you have thought that it is limited. The truth is that Instagram does not always fit what we are looking for or need.

Therefore, it never hurts to know some tricks that help you stand out and make a difference with your stories.

Main Instagram Story Hacks

1. Change Original background for your Instagram Stories

You will surely love this trick if you are looking for a different and striking effect in stories.

  • First of all, you must click on the button to create a story.
  • Once inside, you will have to upload the photo or image that you want to use as the background of the story.
  • Then click on the “paint” button. Remember to choose the color first and then keep your finger on the image. You will see that the screen returns to the chosen tone (in our case, blue).
  • Perfect, now you just have to click on the eraser tool and erase with your finger on the screen. You will see that, from behind, the photo that we initially uploaded begins to be seen. Interesting, right?

2. Tricks for Instagram stories: How to add music?

Did you know that it is possible to animate your stories with music? It’s perhaps one of the least known story tricks to date.

If you are interested in adding music to Instagram stories, we recommend that you take a look at this article that we published. You will learn how to do it, step by step, in less than two minutes .


3. Texts with shadow

Surely, on some occasion, you have wanted to give a twist to the fonts and letters that come by default on Instagram, right? It has happened to all of us! Here we explain how to do it by adding shading.

This trick is very simple. It consists of adding the text twice, one of them in black (which will be the shadow) and another in the color that we want (which will be the main one).

  • The first step is to create a new story and choose the background we want.
  • Once this is done, we will create our first text. We will start with black (the shadow).
  • Next, we’ll create the same text in another color and position it above the shadow text.
    Move it to your liking, until you get the desired effect and publish!

4. Add questions to your Instagram stories

If you want to encourage your followers to interact with your account, polls and questions are an indispensable tool. With them, you can launch queries to find out the opinion of your audience.

Adding questions to your stories is one of the easiest tricks to implement. You will only have to include the sticker when creating your story.

5. Minimize and/or hide your hashtags, one of the favorite Instagram stories tricks

Among the list of tricks for Instagram stories, tips to hide those annoying hashtags that sometimes ruin the design of our story could not be missing.

If you are tired of dealing with hashtags and don’t know where to put them. Here are a couple of quick and easy tips.

  • Create your Instagram story as you like.
  • When you want to add the hashtags, write them with the classic typography.
  • On the left side of the screen, you will find a bar with a circle. If you move the circle all the way down, you will see how the letter is reduced as much as possible.
  • Finally, you can add a sticker or any other element on top of them so that they are hidden and that’s it!

This is, without a doubt, one of our favorite Instagram stories 2022 tricks, as we continue to take advantage of the potential of hashtags without others seeing them. Great!

6. Get better Instagram stories using custom colors

We have all wanted, on some occasion, to use a different color than those that are marked by default in the application for our texts. If this is your case, don’t worry, we will tell you how to do it easily.

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  • To get started, click on create a new story.
  • Once inside the editor, write the text you want to customize with a “special” color and select it so that it is marked.
  • With the text selected, click on one of the colors that appear at the bottom of the screen. Hold your finger down on the color for a few seconds and you’ll see a huge spectrum of colors open up.
  • Keeping your finger pressed on the screen, scroll through the spectrum, and when you like a color, release your finger. Done, you will have your custom color applied to the text!

With this tip, you will be able to create more striking stories, since you will be able to fully customize them with the colors of your brand, for example.

7. Trick to see stories in hidden mode

Have you ever wondered if there is a way to browse other people’s stories without being seen? There are times when, for one reason or another, you want or need to see a story without it being recorded.

If you are interested in knowing how to do it, do not hesitate to consult our post: See Instagram Stories in hidden mode, since we give you 3 ways to do it easily and quickly.

This has been all, friends! We hope that all these tips will help you to create the best Instagram stories. We are sure that you will know how to take advantage of more than one piece of advice. Do you dare to put them into practice?