Windows 11 Pros and Cons: Is It Worth Upgrading in 2023?

Windows 11 Pros and Cons

Windows 11 Pros and Cons: Is It Worth Upgrading in 2023? – The Windows Operating System is always undergoing upgrades, system fixes, and updates.Windows 11 is one of the newest systems that Windows launched a few months ago. Its different appearance compared to other Windows makes Windows 11 quite interesting.

Windows 11 Pros and Cons: Is It Worth Upgrading in 2023?

With theSun Valleyrelease code , Windows 11 was released from the Windows NT operating system. There is a lot of new flexibility offered by Windows in this operating system. To understand Windows 11 further, here are the advantages, disadvantages and hidden features in Windows 11.

Pros of Windows 11

Windows 11 certainly comes with various advantages when compared to previous Windows. Some of the advantages of Windows 11 that are different from other operating systems are as follows.

1. Appearance Attractive Design

Display Design in Windows 11 isfresherthan the previous version.The startbutton , which was previously in the bottom corner bydefault, has moved to the center. The icons have a transparent, smooth, modern and minimalistic design when compared to previous versions of Windows

Features in Windows 11 also have many changes so that the operation becomes easier. However, not all features and locations have changed. Information on the time, date and network sign is still on the lower right.

2. Simpler DisplaySettings Menu

Menu Display in Windows 11 is more practical, lightweight, elegant, and easy to use. The menus contained inthe settingsare neatly lined up on the left and right of the window, making the display simpler. Users, orusers, can more quickly access available features or menus.

3. There isa Snap Layouts feature

In Windows 11, there is asnap layoutsfeature which makes it easier for users to organize multiple windows whenmulti-tasking. This will help users when they want to do a lot of work simultaneously. Users do not need to manually manage every window that opens because it has been made automatically by theteamof Windowsdevelopers .

4. There is anAuto HDR Mode feature

Apart from thesnap layoutsfeature, there is anAuto HDR Modefeature in Windows 11. This feature is quite useful for users who like to playgamesor gamers when using a monitor with the built-in HDR feature. Display and sensation when playinggameswill be more realistic, elegant, and fun.

5. There is aDirect Storage Feature

TheDirect Storagefeature is one of the features that you can find in Windows 11. This feature is very useful for ensuring NVMe SSD speed, speeding upgame loading, and increasingthe frame rate(FPS) in games. Of course, this feature is very popular withgamerswho playgameswith computers or laptops.

6. There are Improved Security

One of the requirements for using Windows 11 is that the hardware used must have the TPM 2.0 feature. With these features, your computer will certainly be safer and reduce the possibility of damage due to hacker ormalwareattacks .

7. Can Integrate withTeams

Windows 11 can be integrated withTeams, a video conferencing and messaging tool owned by Microsoft. Every user will find it easier to accessTeamson Windows 11.Teamsis also a cross-platformapplication that can be accessed on Android, iOS, or Windows.

8. Can Run Android Applications

Windows 11 users can run Android apps on the computer without the help ofan emulator. There are many Android applications that you can find on the Microsoft Store and download through the Amazon App Store. Once downloaded, these applications can also be pinned to thetaskbarand paired with other applications.

Disadvantages of Windows 11

Even though it has many advantages, there are some loopholes that you might find in Windows 11. Most of the shortcomings that are presented below are not a negative impact, but only losses for old users because they require adaptation. Here are some of the Windows 11 shortcomings that can be felt.

1. Experiencing StartMenu Changes

The startmenu has undergone significant changes compared to previous versions of Windows.The startmenu which was previously on the left now moves to the middle of the screen. This really requires adaptation for each user to press thestartbutton .

Apart from the location, the appearance of thestartmenu has also undergone a total change. There isn’t even alifestylemenu that shows application icons and notifications like in Windows 8. Users need quite a long time to adapt to this new Windows.

2. SeparateSearchMenu

The change in the location of thesearchmenu is also a drawback in Windows 11. The location of thesearchmenu is now separate from thestartmenu , not integrated like Windows 10 and below. To use thesearchfeature , you must click the search icon on thetaskbar.

3. TheDark Modefeature is more colorful

The comfort of using the device is also determined by the level of lighting and the mode used. One form of mode that is popular with users isdark mode. On the Windows 11 operating system,dark modehas a more colorful mode compared tothe dark modesof other operating systems. Of course, this invites a lot of controversy because not all fans likedark modein color.

4. Not Support Old Version Devices

For those of you who use a computer or laptop with an old or old version, you cannot use the Windows 11 operating system. There are several minimum requirements that a device must have to be able to use Windows 11, including:

  • RAM minimum 4GB
  • Storage space of 64 GB or more
  • Has a minimum speed of 1 GHz or more with 2 or morecoreson a compatible 64-bit processor system
  • TPM version 2.0

5. Has a LongerBoot Time

When compared to Windows 10, Windows 11 has a longerboottime. Windows 10 will open 2-4 seconds earlier than Windows 11. Even though it’s only a few seconds different, this time is very influential for the work speed of each user.

6. LongerUpdate Time

Every Windows operating system user would want to know how long the Windows update process takes to complete. Curiosity is based on the length of time required each time Windows willupdate. If you want toupdateWindows 11, you can do it at night when the unused device is active.

7. Experiencing Changes in the Location of theTask Manager

The task manageris a window that is often used by Windows users. In the past, you could find it easily by right-clicking on thetaskbaroption . In Windows 11, you can no longer find this option the way it was before.You can find the task manageroption in the Windows options and right click to seethe task manager.

8. How to delete applications is quite complicated

In-device applications are easy to remove if you are using a mobile phone. However, for computers, removing an application requires a complete process. In Windows 11, to be able to remove apps, you have to go to the control panel and see the list of apps. After that, then you can select the application you want to remove and clickuninstall.

9. Experiencing UI Changes

Windows has greatly changed the condition of theuser interfaceon the Windows 11 operating system. Even though it looksfresh, many users find it quite difficult to operate because they are used to the old UI. Even so, this fact is actually quite useful because it has better and more sophisticated features.

Read Also: 10 Best Free Disk Partition Software For Windows 11 in 2022

How to Fix Bugs in Windows 11 (Resolved Problems)

Windows 11 Hidden Features

There are several hidden features that you can find in Windows 11, including the following

  • Startmenu

The startmenu in Windows 11 can be accessed by pressing thetaskbarat the bottom of the screen and clicking the Windows icon, or by pressing Windows + X keys simultaneously on thekeyboard.

  • Shrink Window
    • Open thesettings menu
    • Entersystem
    • Choosemultitaskingand turn on theTitle Bar Window Shake feature
    • Click the title of the window you still want to open
    • Hold and drag the cursor down, quickly sliding the window up and down
    • After a few times, the windows on the screen will be minimized except those that are still in use
  • TakeScreenshots

To take ascreenshoton Windows 11, you can press the Windows key andPrint Screensimultaneously on the keyboard. The image will be directly saved in thepicturesfolder . Another way you can do this is by pressing Windows + S to open thesnip and sketchapplication .The captured image in the second way will be stored in the clipboardfolder .

  • Open Embedded Programs withKeyboard Shortcuts

In Windows 11, users can pinseveralprograms to the bottom of thetaskbarso they can access the program they want more quickly. In fact, you can open the program without clicking. The combination of the Windows key and numbers according to the program order on thetaskbarcan help you open it.

  • Remove Unnecessary Programs

Computer work can slow down when there are many programs and storage space is running low. To see what programs are installed, you can opensettings. Go to thesystemsection and selectstorage. Furthermore, you can choosea clean up recommendationto see what programs are recommended to be removed because they have not been opened for a long time.

  • Turn off background apps

Applications that are running in the background or in thebackgroundcan still be updated even if they are not opened. However, conditions like this really drain your battery and internet. For that, in Windows 11, you can set it in thesettingssection . Go to thesystemsection and selectpower and battery. In that window, limit the activity of applications running in thebackground.

  • Displays File Extensions

Bydefault, Windows hides file extensions. These conditions can make it difficult for users to see every detail of the file before opening it.

To overcome this, enter thesearch fieldand look forfile explorer options. When the window opens, selectviewand uncheck thehide extensions for known file types option.Before the window closes, make sure you clickapplyandok.

  • Focus Feature

There is afocusfeature in Windows 11 to help users when they get notifications. This is very helpful so that users can focus more on work and not be fooled by notifications. Go intosettings,system, and intofocus assist. Choose settings according to your needs, for example only some notifications from certain applications can appear.

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