6 Best Email Cleaner Tools to Clean Inbox for 2023

Best Email Cleaner Tools to Clean Up Inbox

Best Email Cleaner Tools to Clean Up Your Inbox (2023) – Are you also tired of finding yourself with an inbox full of unprocessed messages ? Are you looking for aneffective solution to clean your mailboxesand getrid of your spam? Can’t find important emails in your inbox anymore?

You are in the right place. We are going to show you in this file6 mailbox cleaning tools.Use powerful software for the proper management of your unnecessary emails and spam. Clean and tidy mailboxes in the form of folders have a positive impact on productivity.

What is a tool to clean your mailbox?

A tool toclean up a mailboxis software (free or paid) thatallows you to restore order in electronic messaging. It is used, among other things, to:

  • Filter messages.
  • Delete unwanted and unnecessary mail: spam, newsletters, emails from social networks.
  • Unsubscribe from certain senders who regularly send emails that the user does not read.
  • Block certain senders: blocking is sometimes necessary. Even if one unsubscribes from a sender, some mails may still slip through the net.
  • Classify and label emails by category.
  • Archive emails.
  • Automate actions on messaging.

The list is not exhaustive, it all depends on the functionalities offered by the chosen solutions.

Regardless of the solution considered, the operating principle remains the same. Theyanalyze user habits to categorize the emailsthat land in their mailbox. What are thevalid emails(always read and answered)? What are theitems to delete(never read and never answered)? Are there anyduplicate or bounced emails?

Once done, they will offer the user acleaning plan(filtering, deletion, archiving, unsubscribing, etc.) to validate. The latter can refuse or accept. Thesoftware will then offer him an automationthat will happen on its own. And in the end, only important messages, announcements and newsletters deemed interesting will remain…

Of course, you canmanually cleanyour mailbox by doing everything yourself. But this is not always obvious.You may not have time to do this:

Best Email Cleaner Tools to clean your mailbox

Find in the paragraphs below the 6 best tools to clean a mailbox.


Cleanfoxis the most popular of all. It isaccessible on the websiteand inan application version for iOS and Android OS. You just have to enter your e-mail address so that it can analyze its content. He will then have you validate the actions he plans to take.

Cleanfox sorts, classifies and filtersyour emails. It promises toremove spam emails and reduceor evenprevent the receipt of similar emails. It is GDPR compliant, so you don’t have to worry about your data being disclosed. But it can sell your data for statistical analysis. This is the way for him to finance himself to be able to continue to offer you his services for free.

2. Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Aloneis a powerfulemail cleaningsolution . It offers 3 main features, namely:

  • The unsubscription of unwanted senders: after analysis of your emails, it offers you a list of senders that it deems undesirable. It’s up to you to tick those you no longer want and untick those you want to keep.
  • Group the newsletters that you appreciate: it will set up a system to receive thenewslettersthat you have decided to keep. It will group them into folders (10 maximum) and send them to you daily/weekly at the times you want.
  • Block unwanted mail senders: it will only keep senders you trust and whose sent mails are of interest to you. It removes the rest and blocks their senders at the source so they can’t email you anymore. And this, even if you no longer use the services it provides.

With just one Leave Me Alonesubscription , you can clean up all of youremailaccounts . There isno quantitative limit. You can also prioritize certain senders to make sure you always receive the mails they send to you. And finally, it offers you the “Do not disturb” mode. It receives your emails, but only sends them to you when you can be disturbed again.

The subscription toLeave Me Alone costs:

  • €6 incl. taxfor occasional use: you can use all of its features for a week (7 days).
  • €8 including tax for the Casual Emailer package: a monthly subscription that offers you all the features mentioned above except the“Do not disturb” mode and the prioritization of senders.
  • €14 including tax for the Inbox Zero Hero package: a monthly subscription including all features.

These are non-binding subscriptions, you can cancel them at any time.

3. SubscriptionZero

SupscriptionZerois for useif you don’t want your inbox filled with spam. We are referring here tonewslettersandcoldmarketing emails .It will group these in a folder. And it will present them to you in the form of a complete summary like an online reader. Unlike the other solutions mentioned in the previous paragraphs,SubscriptionZerodoes not seek to access your mail.

That’s why it doesn’t ask you for access to your email. It just helpsyou get rid of unnecessary messages that waste your time and productivity.

This software allows you to unsubscribe from senders from whom you no longer wish to receive anything. It provides you with a specialemail addressto which you can forwardnewslettersandpromotional offers. You can also use this new email address to subscribe to newnewsletters. You will not receive them in yourmain mailboxthis way . But you will still be able to read them when you can through your SubscriptionZero account.

If you use this solution, yourdata will be better protected. Indeed, when you subscribe to certain newsletters or something like that, you take risks. Your email and the data you provide may be shared or sold to third parties. These will, in turn, bombard you with emails or use them illegally.

4. Triage

Triageis a solution reserved for iPhone users. It supports iCloud Mail, Gmail, Fastmail and IMAP mails. Its particularity lies in the fact that itpresents unread emails in the form of a stack of cards to be sorted.And one card equals one unread message. The goal here isn’t to replace your mailbox, but rather tohelp declutterit .

After seeing a preview of the map, you can swipe it left or right:

  • Left: Mail will be permanently archived.
  • Right: mail will stay in your inbox

You can also click on the card to read the full discussion and respond before swiping.

5. Mailstrom

Mailstromis anonline softwarelike Cleanfox. After analyzing your mailbox, it allows you in a few clicks to:

  • Sort, filter and archive your mail.
  • Delete and move your emails individually or not.
  • Block unwanted senders.
  • Block mail by subject: you choose a keyword and if it appears in the subject, the message is automatically blocked.
  • Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters and spam.
  • Set up an automation that will allow you to effortlessly declutter your email on a daily basis.

Mailstromsends youa weekly report of actions takenso you can see thestatus of your mailbox. And even if it collects your data, it does not disclose it since it isGDPR compliant.

If you want to benefit from the services of Mailstrom, you mustsubscribe to a subscription. It offers you afree trialafter which you have to start paying monthly installments. These range from$9 to $29.95 permonth depending on how many email accounts you want to clean.

6. Clean Email

Clean Emailisavailable on websiteand inapplication version to download on Play Store AND App Store. It offers the same functionalities asMailstrom, but with the possibilityof mail segmentation. This is his strong point. Itgroups similar emailsto be able to apply a mass action:deletion, unsubscription, archiving, etc.

Clean Email isfree to use for up to 1,000 emails. Beyond this quantity, you must pay a subscription:

  • $9.99 permonth for 1 account.
  • $19.99 permonth for 5 accounts.
  • $29.99 permonth for 10 accounts.

If you plan to use the services ofClean Emailyear-round, prefer anannual subscription. You will make huge savings (up to 70%). Subscriptions are not necessarily synonymous with commitment, you canwithdraw at any time.

Note: unless otherwise specified,these tools work regardless of your email provider(gmail, yahoo mail, windows outlook, etc.).

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Why use a solution to clean your mailbox?

It is important toclean your mailboxbecause digital pollutes as much as mobility. Indeed, email accounts (Yahoo, Outlook and others) work on the basis of acloud system, an online storage space. And this storage space is not unlimited.

Granted, we’re talking about online storage, but that’s just a term used in reference to the fact that email doesn’t consume space on the devices it’s used on. Think again ! The storage in question is done on very real supports. All data is saved on large hard drives called data centers and these consume a lot of electricity (power, cooling).

If the mailboxes are therefore not cleaned, theywill occupy a lot of space in the data centers. Once these are saturated, the wholesystem will slow down. It will therefore be necessary to add other hard drives to gain speed.

However, moredata centersmeans more electricityconsumed and more CO2 emissions. And this, without counting the environmental cost of the exploitation, the extraction and the transformation of the materials necessary for their manufacture. This is called digital pollution. It is invisible, but its impact on the environment is felt.

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