Coin Master: 5 tricks to climb the village quickly

Coin Master: 5 tricks to climb the village quickly

We bring you a small collection of tricks for Coin Master with which to move more easily through certain shortcuts.

Coin Master is one of those games that hooks you until you say enough thanks to its polished gamification and rewards system.and focused on spinning a slot machine from which we will be wanting to get free spins in order to advance with our village.

In fact, it has a huge player base: hence the community has managed to find little tricks to speed up its progress and level up more quickly.

In this post we are going to cut to the chase to summarize some of these tricks, the most interesting and known to date, with which to make your Coin Master village rise much faster.

5 tricks for Coin Master that may interest you

Save runs

If you want to save your prize to use it in a future event, to win coins or whatever you prefer, you can do it using the airplane mode cheat.

This trick consists ofactivating the airplane mode before collecting the prizethat interests you. When the reward appears,enable the airplane modeof your mobile (or deactivate Wi-Fi and data) and then try toopen the prize without having an Internet connection.

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The important thing is to avoid touching the screen so that Coin Master does not collect the prize; Thus, to activate airplane mode without interacting with the screen, you must have an app installed, such as Assistive Touch for Android, which generates a floating button with several shortcuts, including airplane mode.

Once this is done, the Coin Master app will notify you with an error, at which point you will have to deactivate airplane mode again (that is, restore the network connection) on the device. This way you will have your same runs once the app reconnects.

Postpone collecting a prize when starting the game

Following the same theory as the previous trick, if just starting Coin Master you get a prize and you don’t want to use it at that moment,you can again activate airplane modebefore picking it up.

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Coin Master will save the prize for the next time you open the game , at which point you can either collect it or continue stretching the gum by activating and deactivating airplane mode until it is good for you to obtain it.

Many spins with easy bar

The idea is that you get an easy bar. So, the trick will be based on playing it as usual, but collecting the prizes without being connected to the Internet, again making use of the airplane mode trick as we have described before.

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When the prizes are already “collected”, deactivate the airplane mode again to continue playing until the runs are exhausted; remember to activate the airplane mode every time you go to collect the rewards.

Once you have run out of rolls, exit the game and enter again . It will be then when you can collect the prizes that you have accumulated before (since when collecting them without connection to the network they are postponed until you enter Coin Master again) and the bar will remain the same, thus obtaining a large number of spins in an easy bar .

Be strategic and don’t waste the runs

As we have already mentioned, the spins are one of the most valuable elements of the game, since thanks to them we will be able to spin the wheel and obtain the prizes.

Our recommendation is that you onlypull the machine when you have the possibility to use a pet like Foxy, which you will unlock at initial levels.

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This is because, if your pet is awake, you will get more rewards for the assaults or attacks (depending on the pet you have: Foxy, Rhino or Tiger). So, don’t miss out on those rolls when everyone is sleeping.

Temporary events are your best allies

Coin Master knows how to keep us connected, and that is whyevery day you will find events that will provide you with extra rewards: for example, rankings of players that last 48 hours, and whose top 10 winners will receive spins and millions of free coins.

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Your mission here will be to be aware of all these temporary events, andtry to achieve victory to get as many prizes as possible. It will not be an easy task, because you will fight with other players who probably have the same desire as you to obtain them, but by following the advice that we mention in this guide, you will surely have more options.

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Keep in mind that the Coin Master developers can fix these little bugs and tricks in future updates , so the glitches mentioned may not work anytime soon.

What will always work is to use a good strategywhen spinning the roulette: level up, join teams and make the most of your spins, in order to have an advantageous advance compared to the rest of the players.

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