HitPaw Free Video Editor Online Review – HitPaw is one of the best free video editors you can find, with many tools it also allows image editing.
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HitPaw Video Editor Online Review 2023
HitPaw is a great video editor because it is free and offers many features, we recommend getting to know more about this tool as it will be very useful and even necessary in everyday use.
- Lots of features and tools
- The software has a free version
- Everything works smoothly and multitasking
- The free version has a watermark
- Many categories are repeated within the program
HitPaw is a free and very impressive program. Even with its paid version, the possibilities that exist in the free version are endless. In this review we will detail the many things you can do in it in a professional and complete way. Starting from the videos and going to what is possible to do with the images.
HitPaw does a lot even though it’s Free
As already said, you can use this image and video editor for free, or with a paid plan. In this review we will focus on the highlights of the free version, and in the end we will see the differences between the free and paid plan. To download the program itself, there is no difficulty, just enter the site by clicking here , and download the free program.
Once you download and install it, you’ll see the incredible catalog of what it allows even though it’s just free. Below we can get a brief idea of what this large catalog involves.
The program works fluidly and without crashing, doing all the processes without any difficulty. Each of the categories that the program runs has a different interface and obviously different functions. Let’s see below the potential of HitPaw even with its free.
Cut video
In the Trim video panel we find a lot of information, right away you can see icons that allow the complete editing of the video. From the first icon we have the option to cut the video, something quite obvious for this section. But the first cut icon refers to the timing which can be adjusted as seen in the right corner.
The second icon refers to actually cropping what you see on the screen, making it possible to decrease, increase and change what you see. This is very useful for those who have videos to post on social networks, because in the editing itself you can make the desired cut.

In addition, you can resize the image, another very useful tip, if the video goes on social media. An unprecedented feature is the speed of the video, where it is possible to speed up and slow down the duration time.
Other features involve the tool for rotating and adjusting tones such as saturation and contrast. Undoubtedly something very interesting even though it’s free, all this adds a touch of professionalism to this editor.
Remembering that we are in the first category of the program, let’s see the next ones. Both in this category and in the others, at the end of each edit, don’t forget to export the video.
Crop and rotate
It’s true that we’ve already seen these two features in the other category, but this one is especially dedicated to that. That is, you can save time by going in that category. This category offers its own dashboard that allows editing, and in the right corner you can choose the size scales.
Again we see the great usability for social networks. And when it comes to rotating, this category even allows you to mirror the video.
Are you going to make videos for Youtube and will it be a step by step of a cell phone screen? Resizing and placing a background can make the video stand out and draw attention. HitPaw gives this possibility and offers a range of adjustments, bringing a background and adjustments to your video.
You can enter video dimensions yourself, or replace on the screen itself without having to open the video elsewhere. With the adjustments made, just export and you will have your video.
If you used the first feature to make multiple cuts and now you need to merge them all into one video, the combine function will work for you. In HitPaw you can add as many cuts as you want to a list, and you can also define an order, resolution and even resizing for each cut.
The program gives you a range of adjustments that you can add to each of the layers that will be joined. All with a simple dashboard that is easy to understand and use. In addition to all these great features we’ve seen so far, HitPaw has more things in its free version, let’s get to know its built-in video converter next.
Video Converter
The Converter that HitPaw has built in, gives you the possibility to convert your videos offline, without having to be connected. The program puts your videos in a long list, which you can increasingly add new videos to. It runs everything without crashing your computer and smoothly.
Everything is organized in a clean and easy way for anyone to understand, showing from the list to convert to the ones that will be converted. Conversion options are various MP4, HD and even 4K, there are also audio conversions like MP3 and more. Once everything is added, just convert.
Video to GIF
One of the conversions that is in a different category is that of video to GIF. With it, you can adjust so that only a part of your video is GIF, and you can also set the amount of FPS in the GIF you want. It is also possible to change the resolution and select from the video minutes what you want to convert.
This option is no different from one we’ve already seen. However, it is entirely dedicated to adjusting saturation, contrast and Brightness. The only difference you find here is that you can only do that here. So if you don’t want to consume all your computer’s capacity, or want to have a cleaner screen in the process, use the adjust category.
Another function that the program makes available, which we have already seen in other categories is Speed. However, like the previous one, this category is only for you, you don’t want to do anything else. The panel displays speed options and adjusts the video to the section you want.
Add Music
If your video was being made without audio, you can add a song in the section of the video you want. You can also adjust the audio and the part where it will appear. All easily and with the full help of the program. As seen in the image, you adjust the audio in the video timeline itself, in a professional way.
Stop Motion Animation
In addition to all the categories and options we’ve seen, HitPaw also offers the possibility to create Stop Motion videos. These videos involve multiple cuts and even FPS change over the course of the video. Its panel has several settings and displays the timeline where you will be able to make the cuts.
More surprises
We’ve seen a lot of video edits, however HitPaw has more things like an image editor and also a meme editor. In editing images and memes, the variety of tools is wide, allowing the addition of new images, cuts, clippings and much more.
Another difference is that you can simply run all the categories we’ve seen simultaneously, you don’t have to close one to open another. It is possible to do absolutely everything at the same time. All that we’ve covered is in the free version of the program, but as we say it has a paid version, what’s the difference?
Paid version vs Free version
The free version that we’ve already seen a lot offers many things, but it has limitations. One example is that in absolutely every change we’ve seen here, your content at the end is watermarked by the product. With the paid version, you can remove this and create original content without any problems.
The paid version also brings more tools like the possibility to record your screen and improve your images with good editing and a photo enhancer. The plans vary in price and offer different periods, see them below:
- 1 Month US$ 9.99 (R$ 50.00 without tax)
- 1 Year US$ 29.99 (R$ 150.00 without tax)
- Lifetime US$ 49.99 (R$ 250.00 without taxes)
Now it will depend on you, if the free tools will fully meet your needs, or if you really need to pay some money.
In our tests and use, the program certainly proved to be useful and functional, bringing many tools. The usability and the easy configuration and use of it draws attention. And since it’s free, don’t worry, download it right now and see how it really can be useful for you.