How to install linux in VirtualBox on Windows PC

How to install linux in VirtualBox

How to install linux in VirtualBox on Windows PC – You are passionate about the world of computer security and, after reading a lot of themed material, you have decided to start experimenting with one of the most suitable Linux distributions for this purpose:Kali Linux. Not having much practice with the “penguin” operating system.

However, you would like to avoid – at least for the moment – installing it on your computer, in order to avoid damaging your data and the operating system you have used so far.

You have therefore thought of contacting a virtual machine manager and creating a “virtual PC” on which to install Kali Linux without affecting the “real” system of your PC: more specifically,

You have discovered thatVirtualBoxis one of the best software of this type , as it is free and compatible with all the most popular desktop platforms (Windows, macOS and Linux), so you would like to learn how to use it.

How do you say? That’s exactly how things are and, therefore, would you like to know if I can help you find outhow to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox? Yes, of course!

On the contrary, let’s immediately ban the chatter and let’s start: by reading the guide that I am about to offer you, in a few minutes you will have acquired all the necessary skills to brilliantly achieve the goal you have set for yourself. Let it bet?

How to Install Linux in Virtualbox

If you have not yet installedVirtualBoxon your computer, you can remedy this by connecting toits websiteand clicking on theDownloadsitem which resides in the left sidebar. Later, if you use a PC with aWindowsoperating system

Click on theWindows Hostslink , wait for the software installation package to be downloaded to your computer and, when the download is complete, start it.

Now, to install the program, click on theNextbutton three consecutive times and, aware that this operation will result in the temporary deactivation (it will last a few seconds) of all active connections, click on theYes,Install,Yesand thenFinishbuttons, to conclude set up and start the software.

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If you use aMac, on the other hand, after connecting tothe VirtualBox download page, click on theOS X hostslink, wait for the program .dmg package to be completely downloaded to your computer, and then start it.

Subsequently, double-click on theVirtualBox.pkgpackage contained in the window that opens, click on theContinuebutton twice in a row, then onInstalland, when prompted, enter the Mac administrationpasswordin the appropriate field and click on theInstallbuttonsoftware.

Security Preferences

Now, click on the buttonOpen the Security preferences, press on thepadlocksymbol at the bottom left and re-enter theMacpassword, so that you can make changes to the settings; once authenticated, click on theAllowbutton next to the wording.

The system software has been blocked from loading by the developer “Oracle America, Inc”, close theSystem Preferencesand click on theCloseandMovebuttons to complete the setup.

Finally, start the program by calling it from theLaunchpador from theApplicationsfolder of the Mac.

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If you find it difficult to complete the installation of VirtualBox, I refer you to reading the tutorial that I dedicated to the subject, in which I have explained the previous steps in even more detail.

How to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox

At the time of writing this guide, it is possible toinstall Kali Linux on VirtualBoxin two different ways: by carrying out aninstallation “from scratch”, ie

By following all the steps necessary for the configuration and installation of the various components of the operating system (exactly as if you were working on a physical disk); or using aready-made virtual machine, which can be imported into VirtualBox in just a few clicks.

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Although this last mode of action is faster and, in some ways, even simpler, it “hides” all the steps preceding the execution of the operating system; furthermore, the virtual applications of Kali Linux may not always be updated to the latest version of the operating system.

So, if you intend to test with VirtualBox in view of a future installation of Kali Linux on your computer, I strongly advise you to opt for the installation procedure from scratch. Depending on the method of action of your interest, you will need to download a different installation file.

Installation from scratch

In this case, you need the ISO image of the operating system (the same one you can use to install Kali Linux on a computer, so to speak). To download it, connect tothis websiteand click on the linkKali Linux 64-Bit (Installer),

If you want to install the 64-bit version, orKali Linux 32-Bit (Installer)if, instead, you prefer to install Kali Linux 32-bit.

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Ready made virtual machine

in this case, you need to download the Kali Linux virtual application, inOVAformat. To access this website, click on the Kali Linux Virtualbox Images box, and then on the link that best suits the type of operating system you have (64 or 32 bit).

Once the necessary files have been downloaded (they are very large and may take some time), you are ready to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox.

Installing Kali Linux from scratch

If you have opted forinstalling Kali Linux from scratch, you must first create a new virtual machine capable of hosting the operating system.

Therefore, click on theNewbutton located in the VirtualBox window, typeKali Linuxin thenamefield and make sure that theTypeandVersiondrop-down menus are set, respectively, toLinuxandDebian (64-bit)(orDebian (32-bit), if you downloaded the 32-bit OS ISO).

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Now, click on theNextbutton and, using the displayed adjustment bar, set the amount ofRAMto dedicate to the virtual machine; Note that Kali Linux can run smoothly on machines with 2GB (2048MB) of RAM,

Which you can increase for better performance. Be sure, however, never to set a virtual RAM value that is more than half the RAM actually installed on your computer.

Create Virtual Hard Disk

After this step too, click on theNextbutton, put the checkmark next to the item Create a new virtual hard disk immediately (if not already there), and press theCreatebutton to create a new virtual hard disk;

Now, click on theNextbutton twice in a row, use theadjustment barand/or the box next to it to specify the size of the disk (which should be at least 8 GB) and click on theCreatebutton to finish creating the virtual machine.

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Finally, here we are: to start the installation of Kali Linux, double-click on thenameof the virtual machine you just created, in order to start it, then press the button in the shape of ayellow folder with the arrow.

Click on theAddbutton attached to the next screen and, using the File Explorer / Finder screen, select theKali Linux ISOdownloaded earlier. Now, click on its name and press theChooseandStartbuttons, to start the virtual machine.

Now click inside the VirtualBox screen, to make Kali Linux acquire the mouse and keyboard (you can release them at any time, by pressing theright ctrlkeyonthe keyboard on Windows or theright cmdkey on macOS), select the itemGraphical Installand hit theEnterkey on your keyboard.

Components to install kali Linux

Subsequently, selectAmerican English from the list of available languages, click on theContinuebutton, choose theAmerican option again from those proposed and click on theContinuebutton.

Now, select the keyboard mapping you have, press Continue again, and wait for Kali Linux to recognize the virtual disk and load the components needed to run the installer. At this stage, the operating system should be able to connect to the Internet.

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Subsequently, if you deem it appropriate, change thehostnamesuggested by the system, click on theContinuebutton twice consecutively and proceed with the configuration of the mainuser account:

Type thefull namein the box proposed on the screen, click on theContinuebutton and in the same way, define theusernameandpassword tobe used to log in to the system (you have to type it twice).

After this step too, you have to configure the disk partitioning modes: since you are using a virtual disk, entirely dedicated to Kali Linux, select theWizarditem– use the entire disk.

Click on theContinuebutton four consecutive times, put the checkmark next toYesand, finally, click on theContinuebutton.

Finally, here we are! If everything went smoothly, the actual installation of the operating system should start, which, depending on the performance you have reserved for the machine, could take a few minutes.

To configure the Internet sources for updates and future package installations, press theContinuebutton twice in a row.

Installed Kali Linux

As the last step, you will be prompted to install theboot loader, that is the program that allows you to start Kali Linux (or to select the operating system to use, in case of dual-boot configurations): to proceed.

But the sign tick next toYes, press theContinuebutton, select thevirtual hard diskon which you have previously installed Kali Linux and press theContinuebutton again.

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The installation is complete! Click on theContinuebutton for the last time and wait for the virtual machine to restart automatically: on the next boot, you should find yourself in front of the Kali Linux login screen.

To log into the operating system, type theusernameandpasswordspecified above, each followed by pressing theEnterkey .

Kali Linux Virtual Machine import

If you prefer to avoid the complete installation procedure of Kali Linux and prefer to use aready-made virtual machine, do this: open the VirtualBox File menu (top left), select the Import virtual application item.

Click onthe yellow foldersymbol placed next to theFiletext box, select the previously downloadedOVAfile and click on the button, located at the bottom right. Finally, click on theImportandAcceptbuttons and that’s it!

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At this point, double-click on the newly created virtual machine, in order to start it, and wait for Kali Linux to start completely; once in the login screen, type the usernamekali, followed by pressing theEnterkey, and repeat the operation with the passwordkali.

How to use Kali Linux

Once logged into Kali Linux for the first time, you can use the operating system like any other Linux distribution. Since this is an operating system mainly dedicated topenetration testing, there are numerous tools dedicated to the analysis of Wi-Fi networks and their security available within it.

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All the tools in the distribution can be called up by accessing theKalimenu, located in the lower-left corner of the screen; to access the system settings, on the other hand, you have to click on theregulator’sicon, located near the clock, at the bottom right.

For more information, I invite you to read the in-depth guide that I have dedicated to this operating system: please, take a look at it at least!

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