How to Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

How to Save Posts For Later on Social Networks 2022

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks – Browsing social networks it may happen to find an interesting post to read calmly at a later time: here’s how to save the posts for later

Sometimes it can happen that youbrowse the social networksyou have subscribed to, meet some particularly interestingposts, start reading them, and … haveto abruptly interrupt the operationdue to some sudden commitment.

An interruption of a few moments is enough to completely lose sight of the content, making it inevitably end up in oblivion.

Mostplatforms, however, allow you tokeep track of publications and place them in collections of saved posts.

In a few quick clicks, or taps, it is in fact possible to save posts by creating virtual bookmarks, orbookmarks, which will allow us to resume reading at a later time from where we left off.

How to Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Linkdin

At this point the question is only one:how to savethe posts for later? It’s simple: let’s find out together.

How to save posts on Facebook

Facebookis one of those social networks that allows you to save the most interesting posts to read or reread them later.

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks facebook
Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

On this platform, the saving mode is quite simple and can be replicated on alldesktop browserson Windows, Mac or Linux, as well as fromapps, regardless of the device’s operating system, Android or iOS.

The first step is to have the post saved in front of you. Next, you need to click or tap on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the post.

Once done, you can select “Save post” (or Link, Event, depending on the type of content you are saving).

If you are browsing via browser from acomputer, a pop up window will ask you to choose acollectionin which to save it before completing by clicking on theFinishbutton .

If, on the other hand, navigation is froma mobile browser, the post will be automatically saved in the “Saved items” collection.

Later it will be possible to add it to a specific list using the “Add to a collection” button, choosing between an existing one or one created from scratch.

From theapp, saving the post immediately allows you to insert the post into a specific collection, new or existing, without requiring subsequent steps.

To search for posts saved from your computer, simply visit theFacebook home pageand click on ”Saved Items“, present in the left column of the timeline.

If the element is not present, just click on “Other” and discover the hidden elements. For mobile browsers, however, the same element is available bytapping on the icon in the shape of three parallel linesat the top right.

The same icon, placed at the bottom right instead, will allow the app to reach the link that leads to the bookmarks.

How to Save Posts on Twitter

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks Twitter
Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

Saving an item toTwitterfor later viewing is just as easy, regardless of the browser or application.

Just click or tap on the sharing icon and select, in the menu that will appear, the item ”Save tweet to bookmarks“.

Once done, the Twitter will be saved and can be viewed later by clicking or tapping on the ”Bookmarks” item in the left menu in the Twitter browser view.

While it is present among the items available through the icon in the form of three lines to a mobile application.

How to Save Posts on Instagram

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks INSTAGRAM
Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

As for the platform dedicated to images, on the other hand, the possibility of creating customized collections is being saved.

To do this, once you have reached the post you want to save onInstagram, you need to click or tap on the bookmark icon; in the application.

It is positioned directly below the image at the bottom right while from a web browser it is present under the caption/comments, always in the lower right corner.

From mobile, it is then possible to carry out two operations: the first foresees that, by holding down the icon.

It will be possible to view the list of existing collections to which to add the post or create a new one for the occasion; alternatively, with a quicker tap the post will be automatically saved in the basic collection.

By tapping on “Save to collection” which will appear immediately below the image, it will be possible to move it to a new or existing collection.

The collections are visible by tapping on the three-line icon at the top right of the screen dedicated to your profile, selecting the item ”Saved items” from the menu.

All Instagram collections are visible only to the user who created them and, upon adding the post.

The original user does not receive any notification of addition even if from the statistical data on the original post (if available for their profile) l author can see how many users have saved the item in question.

How to Save Posts on TikTok

TikTokalso allows you to save videos for later viewing. The function, in this case, is called “Added to favorites” and is available by tapping on the arrow-shaped icon in the menu to the right of each video, positioned as the last icon among those present.

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks Tiktok
Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

Once you click on the item indicated, the video is added to your personal collection.

To see it again, simply log into your TikTok profile and click on the bookmark icon. This way, the user’s entire favorites list will be available.

How to Save Posts on LinkedIn

Save Posts For Later on Social Networks Linkedin
Save Posts For Later on Social Networks

A post dedicated to some interesting information on how to improve your profession, a creative idea or simple service information: these are just some of the types of posts that can be found onLinkedIn.

But how to save the most interesting content for later? At the top right, on each post, just click or tap (depending on the use of the platform from the browser or app) on the three-dot icon and choose ”Save” from the menu.

All the saved posts will be available, then, on the homepage, in the list on the left under your profile picture, under ”My items“> ”Savedposts “.

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