15 Instagram Marketing Tips And Strategies You Must Try In 2023 – Do you feel that you have done marketing activities on Instagram but the results are not satisfactory? If this happens to you, make sure that you have carried out a thorough Instagram marketing strategy with maximum effort.
If used properly, this marketing strategy using Instagram can give good results. Because, currently Instagram is one of the social media that is being used by many people in Indonesia and even the world.
In addition, you also need to make sure that the content contained in Instagram is of quality and can attract the attention of many people.
If people feel interested and feel the benefits of your Instagram account, then that person can turn into a consumer.
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Instagram as a Marketing Media
Marketing is a series of activities to create, deliver, and offer something to customers, clients, relations, and society at large.
Instagram has become a marketing tool where businesses can greet and communicate with their customers.
According to Increditools Instagram is a social media that is different from other social media, where Instagram is a place where brands can do marketing by applying visual-based strategies, where one photo can provide more information through words .
Although other social media such as Facebook and Twitter provide photo albums, Instagram can be said to be more effective in this strategy. This is because Instagram’s character is focused on photos, so they provide better features than other social media.
15 Instagram Marketing Strategies in 2023
Not only making an attractive Instagram feed, there are other ways you can do it as a marketing strategy. Here are some Instagram marketing strategies that can be done, namely:
1. Using A Business Instagram Account
A business account on Instagram will make it easier for potential customers to see your account. In addition, business accounts will also look more professional.
How to turn a personal account into a business account is to go to the Settings menu, select Account, and select Switch to Professional Account.
If previously the account was private, it is better to change it to public. Because people will find it easier if they want to see posts on their account without any obstacles.
2. Optimizing Business Profile
After switching to a business account, you should also be able to optimize the account. Some of the ways that can be done are choosing a username that is easily recognizable, using a brand profile photo, and including an informative and interesting bio.

When you use an easily recognizable username, people won’t have a hard time remembering the name. At the end of the bio, you can also add a CTA or Call to Action, for example the words “Click to enjoy the offer!”.
Don’t forget to include a link under the CTA that relates to the CTA writing.
3. Optimizing Instagram Feed
One very important marketing strategy is the Instagram content strategy by optimizing the content in the Instagram feed. You can fill in interesting photo or video content.

Some of the content that you can upload on your feed is educational pictures, behind the scenes, anniversary pictures, photos from followers, entertaining videos, video testimonials, and other interesting content.
You can also create a theme for your Instagram feed to make it more unique and different from accounts with similar businesses.
4. Knowing The Type Of Post
There are currently four types of posts on Instagram, namely feeds, Instagram Stories, Instagram TV, and Instagram Live. A feed is an entire photo or video posted on an Instagram account.
While Instagram Stories are content that can only last 24 hours which is placed above the feed. Instagram TV, also known as IGTV, is Instagram’s newest feature where followers can enjoy videos for a long time.
Instagram Live is live content broadcast from Instagram that followers can watch.
5. Make Use Of Instagram Stories
In addition to the Instagram feed, you also need to create content on Instagram Stories. The advantage of Instagram Stories is that it is at the top so it is easy to view, stories can be saved and used for another time, and so on.

In addition, these Instagram Stories become daily news that you want to share with account followers.
6. Try Instagram Live
To increase engagement, you can try the Instagram Live feature. Before starting the live, make sure to announce to your followers first. The more people who watch Instagram Live, the higher the chance of being shown on Top Live.
You can use Instagram Live to conduct question and answer sessions, record events, and so on.
7. Using Instagram TV
Unlike videos posted on feeds, Instagram TV allows you to share videos with a longer duration. To be able to use the IGTV feature, you must first download the IGTV application and log in using your Instagram account.

To make your IGTV videos more interesting, you need to plan them as well as possible. Quality videos on IGTV can become Instagram’s preferred marketing content because followers can watch videos repeatedly.
8. Reposting Follower Photos Or Stories
If there are followers who post photos or stories by tagging your account, you can also take advantage. This can also be a boon for you and the person posting the content.
Reposting makes the displayed content look as it is and not made up.
9. Use Interesting Captions
For some people writing captions is a fairly difficult process. An interesting caption is a capiton that can make other people or followers read it to the end.
Some tips you can try are making a few drafts first, putting the important things at the beginning, entering a CTA, asking consumers, using a maximum of four hashtags, and creating a unique writing style.
10. Use Unique Hashtags
When making posts on Instagram, it is recommended to use hashtags, but don’t always use common hashtags. You can also create your own hashtags related to the brand.
The purpose of unique hashtags is to make it easier for people to find posts about your brand.
11. Post At The Right Time
The right time according to CoSchedule to post is 08.00-09.00. You also don’t post too much content to make followers feel bored. You can post once or twice a day on a regular basis so that the brand is always remembered by followers.
12. Increase Engagement
Engagement is the most important thing in business Instagram. To increase engagement, you need to be open about the business you do, share your data, and create storable content.
13. Take Advantage Of Business Instagram Features
There are many advanced business Instagram features that can be used as a marketing strategy, namely Insights, contact buttons, quick replies, Instagram ads and swipe up for stories. Insights is a tool that can provide an analysis of the performance of an Instagram business account.
This feature is the most excellent and useful feature to grow your Instagram account.
14. Using Instagram Ads
If you want to advertise on Instagram, you can try Instagram Ads. Placing ads on Instagram can be through Instagram directly or Facebook Ads Manager.
This advertisement aims to introduce your business widely to people who are not yet followers so they can find out about the business.
15. Collaboration With Influencers
If you’ve been trying to optimize your own Instagram marketing strategy, you can also try to collaborate with Influencers. Today, influencers have an influence that cannot be underestimated.
Choose influencers who are trusted by many people and have many followers so that you can get a lot of consumers from the content created by these influencers.
How to Increase Engagement on Instagram
There are five things to consider when uploading photos on Instagram to increase engagement:
Customer Centered photos
The point is, when uploading photos on Instagram you have to consider whether the photos are useful for the lives of customers?
How are these benefits associated with the photos to be uploaded, which of course must be related to the product you want to market? A good photo will bring the audience to find more information about the product being marketed.
Employee-centred photos
Social media showcases the products and personalities of the company itself. Companies that treat employees well will be more attractive to their customers.
Some brands, especially fashion, require their employees to use their products properly when working. Because it will increase the credibility of the brand itself.
Photo Contest
Back to the characteristics of Instagram as a photography-based social media. It will be interesting when holding an Instagram photo contest because the fans will continue to be there and they will follow the development of the contest.
Photos with Blogger
Before Instagram focuses on customers and employees as its “stars” to showcase the personality of the brand itself, focus on who will be the model for the brand itself. Model selection can determine brand credibility.
Best time to upload
Each product has the best time to upload photos based on the characteristics of the target marketing itself. For example, when advertising a product targeting workers, we can advertise the product during lunch hours because most workers will open their Instagram accounts during their break.
Likewise, when we want to advertise a product targeting housewives, choose a time when the audience finishes doing household chores.
How effective is advertising through Instagram?
An advertisement is said to be effective if the purpose of advertising can be achieved. What you need to know before advertising in any media is the characteristics of the users of the product itself.
Of course, we cannot equate advertising media between acne scar removal drugs and herbal medicine for internal medicine.
Both drugs, but very different marketing targets. Or we cannot equate the advertising media for vegetarian cooking spices with cooking spices in general.
Again, we have to look at the characteristics seen from demographic, psychographic, and consumer experience factors. The effectiveness of advertising can be seen through the concept of AIDA ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action).
Instagram can be an effective medium if your own marketing target, including Instagram users, pays attention to the quality of the images to be uploaded.
Not only that, other factors such as timeliness of advertising, content, and “help” from other social media also affect the success of advertising.
After studying, it turns out that there are many Instagram marketing strategies that you can do to grow your business. The hope is that after you try these methods, product sales and brand awareness can increase.
You can also try other media to carry out marketing activities, but make sure that you have maximized your efforts in one of the media, for example Instagram.
Hopefully, you are like these 15 Instagram Marketing Tips You Must Try In 2023 and we are always open to your problems, questions, and suggestions, so feel free to Comment on us by filling this.
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