Getting into a game is always a special moment. Ten games At the first level, the user gets acquainted with the atmosphere, mood, the basics of control, and the basics of gameplay.
In any case, this happens in normal games, and the best of them also try to organically weave these conventions into the narrative, preferably with a fair amount of drama.
Today we will tell you about ten games, the introduction of which turned out to be so bright that it overshadowed everything else.
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Resident Evil 4
Get it right: the entire fourthResident Evilis actually great, but its intro is especially good. The competent direction of what is happening and the smooth introduction of the player into the course of affairs are emphasized by the melancholic atmosphere of the Spanish autumn, contrasting with the horrors taking place in the village.
In addition, the change in the course of the series also contributed to the strong first impression. The hero became mobile, it became convenient to control him, the enemies became faster and smarter, and the opportunities to fight them increased.

Almost from the very beginning, we are given new interesting opportunities that are interesting to play with: knocking downstairs (along with enemies climbing along with them), barricading windows with cabinets, the reaction of enemies to hit different parts of the body, and so on.
In fairness, Resident Evil 4 pleases with new mechanics right up to the very end, but the first impression is the first to be the strongest.
Platinum Games isknown for its furious slashers, butBayonetta hasgone beyond the studio’s previous work in terms of intensity. Already in the opening cutscene, Japanese lawlessness takes place: everyone swears, chops angels, destroys the cemetery, a man lights a cigarette from his finger, and Bayonetta herself lets go of all sorts of jokes.

When control is transferred to the player, then dynamic action from the masters of the genre also comes into play. It’s not that the game loses ground afterward, but then you get used to the madness somehow.
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic at one time amazed at the speeds at which the game works. Of course,Mariois still not a story about a turtle, but at least the introduction of classic platformers is relatively leisurely. InSonic The Hedgehog,everything is different – the player is immediately greeted by jumps, rings, loops, accelerations, and everything else.

The cultural trail also serves as proof of the impressive introduction: remember how many times and where did you see this very Green Hill Zone?
It is this location that pops up in memory first when you think about Sonic, it is she who is most often quoted in other games in the franchise and not only.
A strong first impression ofBloodborne comesfrom the style and atmosphere of the game. The mix of Gothic and Lovecraftian monsters sparkled with special colors when it was made by the creators ofDark Souls. Familiar notes of dark design are recognizable here too, leaving an indelible impression.
The gameplay is not lagging behind: the developers built the first death of the player into what is happening as naturally as possible. After awakening from the nightmare from the opening video, we find ourselves in a clinic, in the hall of which a couple of werewolves are wandering.

By the way, they can be defeated, but you have to show remarkable dexterity – the player has only fists from the weapon.
Dying from the paws of werewolves (or if you defeat them, then some other NPCs from the first level will kill you), the player finds himself in the Hunter’s Dream – a local hub from which you have to go out on the actual hunt. In such a simple way, the game immediately prepares for what awaits him next.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II – Rogue Leader
This flight simulator is similar in pace to the third episodeof Star Wars, but generally takes place at the end of the fourth. The player is immediately thrown into the middle of a space battle, and we are talking about the destruction of the first Death Star.
In the role of Luke Skywalker, you have to smash the ill-fated station, flying along the famous corridor.

The following missions, by the way, are not far behind, and also reproduce battles from legendary films – for example, the battle for Hoth.
Dead Space 2
The main advantage of the second part is that the horror about necromorphs escaped from the narrow dungeons of the spaceship and moved to a futuristic metropolis, without losing the horror itself.
The introduction of the second part demonstrates this perfectly, and, moreover, has become noticeably more action-oriented.
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In the first scenes, the developers guide the player through a classic attraction with screamers, preventing them from defending themselves. Pretty soon, Isaac finds his signature plasma cutter, perfect for chopping necromorphs.

This is the most fertile moment in the game. Slightly adjusted controls, an impressive dismemberment system, old familiar enemies … Then everything will be different – at the end, the player will even start torturing immortal monsters, so the first levels should be really enjoyed.
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Hideo Kojima is cunning like a fox and loves to play with his audience. For the second part of MGS, this resulted in a deceptive introduction, where we play as the main protagonist of the series, Solid Snake.
And everything seems to be fine:Metal Gearcomes to nextgen (this is the first part of the series onPlayStation 2), brings the original gameplay to new rails, strikes with graphics, gives new mechanics and everything else …

But this is just an introduction. The main part of MGS 2 takes place in its own place, and you have to play for another hero – the operative Raiden, whom fans immediately disliked for his cute appearance and, in general, for the fact that he is not Snake.
Solid himself, by the way, also appears in the game, and in the final, he will constantly spin in the center of events, but he will no longer be allowed to play for him.
Given that there was not a word about this in the advertising campaign, the gamers were furious and declared the rest of the game blasphemy, having pardoned only the introduction on the tanker. Many, however, overpowered themselves and went through the game – and hardly regretted it.
Super Mario 64
The transition to3D wasdifficult for many games, but it did not interfere with theMarioseries much. On the contrary,Super Mario 64remains one of the most highly rated games in the series, becoming the new classic almost out of the box.

The fact is that the project managed to successfully transfer the original formula into three-dimensional space, as well as in excellent (by the standards of the time) graphics.
The introductory level is somewhat similar to the story of Green Hill Zone from Sonic The Hedgehog – references to it can also be found in other games in the series.
God of War 3
The third installment of Kratos’ classic adventure sets a high point right from the start, with one of the most epic scenes set throughout the intro.
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It takes place on Mount Olympus, where, under the leadership of Kratos, the titans climb to take revenge on the gods. Actually, huge titans and messengers of the gods trying to stop them are the main providers of spectacles.
The player will have to climb the first and fight the second, and the size of the others is quite impressive. A situation similar toBayonetta is developing– not that it gets worse, but the introduction is too epic.

GoldenEye 007
A lot of laudatory odes have been sung about this shooter, and the reason for everything is the same – the game became both a breakthrough in the genre and clearly followed the films, not contradicting, but only supplementing.
The combination of these advantages has never been seen anywhere else, andGoldenEye haskept the bar from the very beginning. The introductory level on the dam allows you to participate in the events of the film, while it is filled with action in which the player is directly involved.

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