The Most Anticipated Games of 2023– Check the list of the ten most interesting games that will debut by the calendar year.
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Most Anticipated Games of 2023
10. New World
I decided to open today’s list with Amazon’s upcoming MMO, which has been moved so many times that I don’t know if fingers, on one hand, would be enough to count the delays.
Nevertheless, New World – after beta tests – looks very solid and there are many indications that fans of this genre of games will spend tens of hours in it.
Considering that it has been forgotten to some extent by the creators, and it is Amazon Games that is to reminds you of the power of MMOs. Will they succeed? We will find out soon.

- Premiere : September 28 on PC (Steam)
9. FIFA 22
The ninth edition of the annual series of football games by Electronic Arts corporation was placed.
This time the game will receive a dedicated version for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S – most importantly, it will include the innovative HyperMotion system that allows you to enjoy the eye with new, more realistic animations of players (mainly goalkeepers).
I’ve already had the pleasure of playing a lot of FIFA 22 on PS5 and I can confidently say that the changes in the gameplay encourage continuous fun.

- Premiere : October 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE, XSX | S and Switch
8. Marvel’s Guardian of the Galaxy
The most loyal MCU fans will also find something for themselves. In just one month, Marvel: Guardians of the Galaxy will see the light of day, which will allow viewers to play the role of Peter “Star-Lord” Quill and learn about his story.
He will not be alone, because for most of the adventure he will be accompanied by, for example, Drax, Gamora, Rocket, or Groot.
The production of Eidos Montreal is focused on a fictional story, so it remains to keep your fingers crossed for the scenario to be top-flight.

- Premiere : October 26 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE, XSX | S and Switch
7. Back 4 Blood
If you’ve loved Valve’s Left 4 Dead franchise, be sure to check out the upcoming Back 4 Blood. The cooperative shooter is created by the authors of the said brand.
So while watching the gameplay records, we can see many similarities between the previous projects of the team and the newest one.
Back 4 Blood is to provide a lot of great, unforgettable fun for up to four friends in the session. On each map, customers must reach the target set by the developers, and hungry zombies will stand in their way.

- Premiere : October 12 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE and XSX | S
6. Halo Infinite
I’ve never been close to the Halo series, but I hope that will change with the launch of Halo Infinite on the market.
The production is focused primarily on online Anticipated Games 2023 from the first-person perspective, but there will also be a story campaign that will continue the adventure of the famous Master Chief brand.
The super soldier has to face new dangers and it is safe to say that only our “skill” depends on whether we will be able to restore order in the sci-fi world around us.

- Premiere : December 8 for PC, XONE and XSX | S
5. Call of Duty: Vanguard
The latest tests of Call of Duty: Vanguard has shown that this year’s installment of a very strong series can rebound the market.
The production captivates with its atmosphere and there are many indications that the game’s strong point will be campaigns based on the experiences of real soldiers fighting enemies during the Second World War.
As far as we know, the shooter will take us to Stalingrad, Midway, or also North Africa.

- Premiere : November 5 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE and XSX | S
4. The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes
I am a huge fan of Supermassive Games – their titles appeal to my taste and I can’t wait to be able to move to the ancient dungeons after the adventure on the abandoned ship and haunted village while controlling a squad of American soldiers investigating the above-mentioned object.
During the exploration, they will awaken an ancient evil and it is only up to our decisions and reaction time whether all heroes will leave the ruins.

- Premiere : October 22 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE and XSX | S
3. Battlefield 2042
The podium is opened by Battlefield 2042, which looks simply beautiful so far. Electronic Arts decided to give up the release of the new BF last year and bring the refined products to the limit in this calendar year, so the expectations are huge.
The FPS from EA DICE will take us to the year given in the title of the game and present a fictional conflict between the US and Russia.
Despite the fact that it will lack a story campaign, the envelope of the story will be built using various online modes.

- Premiere : November 19 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE and XSX | S
Read Also : Battlefield 2042: October 6 Open Beta, How To Access It
2. Far Cry 6
I’m a huge fan of Ubisoft, so I’m waiting for Far Cry 6 with my tongue out. The premiere is just behind my belt, so I am glad that in less than two weeks I will be able to play the partisan trying to kill Anton Castillo – the current ruler of Yara, who rules his country with a hard hand.
As is already the case with the French gaming giant, FC6 will have many additional activities, in which we will learn the fate of additional heroes and recruit new amigos, i.e. comrades-in-arms.

- Premiere: October 7 for PC, PS4, PS5, XONE and XSX | S
1. Forza Horizon 5
My hottest premiere of this calendar year will undoubtedly be Forza Horizon 5 , taking motoring fans to the bustling Mexico.
The creators are finally going to drive us in right-hand traffic, so my expectations are even higher. I can’t wait to have the opportunity to vacuum my gear and get behind the wheel of ultra-fast cars to get a little crazy on virtual public roads.

- Premiere : November 9 for PC, XONE and XSX | S
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