
How to install Steam? Tutorial for beginners

How to install Steam on Windows 10

How to install Steam on Windows 10 – Steam is an online platform for the sale of software without physical support. This means that it sells games and programs for download online, thus saving the user the costs associated with CDs and DVDs, distribution, intermediaries … etc. It also acts as a specialized social network. Get a …

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How to Restart a Computer from the Keyboard

How to Restart a Computer from the Keyboard

How to restart your computer from the computer keyboard. Over time, you’ve discovered that a computer keyboard can usually be used to perform mouse operations that take much longer. You have already discovered several “shortcuts” that have significantly speeded up your daily work. However, there are some things you haven’t yet done with the keyboard, such as restarting your computer. Is …

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How to secure your accounts with two-factor authentication

How to (2FA) secure your accounts with two-factor authentication

How to secure your accounts with two-factor authentication – Two-Factor Authentication is an important topic, and for good reason. It provides an additional layer of security for our online accounts by requiring second login criteria, on a separate device. We could explain it as “a key for our key”, sort of. How to secure your accounts with two-factor authentication …

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